Versions Compared


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NOTE: If there are fields that are needed but not listed, they can be added using the Custom Fields functionality. Please refer to the Custom Fields Admin Guide for more details.

Create Cost Center

Description:  The department or other unit within the organization to which costs should be charged or revenue should be applied for accounting purposes. 


  1. Log in to DCI
  2. Click Cost Centers on the submenu
  3. Click Actions
  4. Select Add New Cost Center and complete the form wizard
    1. Cost Center Name (required): Generic cost center name recognizable by most users
    2. Cost Center Code (required): Accounting code
    3. Select State (required): State of the cost center
    4. **Cost Center Reference (optional)
    5. **Cost Center Reference 2 (optional)
    6. Certification Template (optional): Select if there are a set of certification requirements specific to the cost center
  5. Status (required): Defaults to active. Switch to inactive when this is no longer a valid cost center.
  6. Click Save to continue and Yes to confirm

Create Funding Source

Description: Entity that pays the organization to provide the service, defines specifications for those services, and issues authorizations for clients to receive said services.


  1. Log in to DCI
  2. Click Settings on the main menu
  3. Click Funding Sources on the submenu
  4. Click Actions
  5. Select Add New Funding Source. Complete the form wizard.
    1. Name (required)
    2. Type (required)
    3. Address (required)
    4. Time Zone (optional): Select from drop-down
    5. Cost Center (required): Administrative or overhead cost center
    6. Phone (required)
    7. *Alternate Phone (optional)
    8. Authorization Automation Integration (optional): Auto updates authorization from the state
      1. Supports Automated Authorization Download: Currently only available in Oregon and Arizona for government funding sources.
      2. See Screen Scaping Guide for more details
    9. EDI (optional – required if using EDI):
      1. Enable EDI: Yes or no options, defaults to no.
      2. Enable EDI Transmission: Field becomes available if selected yes in enable EDI. Yes or no options default to no.
      3. EDI Sender ID: Unique id provided by DCI
      4. EDI Receiver ID: Unique id provided by DCI
    10. EVV (optional – client attestation): Click the blue plus (+) icon to enable EVV options. These options all have a yes or no option. Selecting yes will turn this option on and the employee will be able to select this EVV method when prompted:
      1. Allow Signature EVV Verification
      2. Allow Password EVV Verification
      3. Allow Pin EVV Verification
      4. Allow Picture EVV Verification
        1. If Yes, the following field appears:
          1. Perform Picture Facial Recognition
            1. If yes, the following field appears:
              1. Picture Facial Recognition Threshold: Enter the minimum accuracy threshold
            2. Allow Voice Recording EVV Verification
            3. Allow FOB EVV Verification
            4. Allow Mobile App Client Signoff Verification
          2. Approve Unverified EVV (optional): Yes or no options. If yes is selected, auto approval will have the ability to approve the following:
            1. Picture
            2. Signature
            3. Voice Recording
          3. Allow Offline Mobile App (instance level setting): If enabled for instance, yes or no options, default is no. If yes is selected, offline mode will be enabled for this funding source.
          4. Email (required)
          5. Sleep Shift Start and End (optional): Enter if the funding source authorizes a defined sleep shift.
          6. **Provider Id (optional)
          7. **Profile Reference (optional)
          8. Status: Defaults to active. Select inactive when this is no longer a valid funding source.
          9. Exclude from Auto Approval: Yes or no options, default is no. Select yes to exclude entries from this funding source from being processed for auto-approval.
          10. Schedule Compare Logic (required): Select default or duration
          11. Require Reason Codes for Late Entries: Yes or no options, default is no. Select this to require a reason code for historical entries.
          12. Require Reason Codes for Manual Entries: Yes or no options, default is no. Select this to require a reason code for manual entries.
  6. Click Save to continue and Yes to confirm

Create Service Code

Description: Service a client is receiving with specifications of how it should be provided and billed by the funding source. Completing a service code has many of the same fields regardless of account type. The process lists detail for all fields in the form wizard for hourly account type and highlights the differences for other account types. The hourly account type has the most fields and is the longest-form wizard. Other account types have many of the same fields, but some are omitted.


  1. Log in to DCI
  2. Select Settings on the main menu
  3. Select Funding Sources on the submenu
  4. Search for a funding source in the search box
  5. Select the funding source
  6. View or edit by clicking anywhere in the funding source row
  7. funding source details page will open
  8. Click Actions
  9. Select New Service Code. Complete the form wizard.
    1. Funding Source: Is populated from the funding source used to create the service code. The field is locked.
      1. If a service code is added directly from the funding source tab without first opening a funding source, the field is unlocked, and a funding source can be selected from the drop-down.
    2. Account Type (required): The type of program or service correlated with this service code.
      1. Hourly – 1 to 1 service
      2. Residential Program – client lives at the program
      3. Day Program – client travels to the program
      4. Group Service – 2 or more clients
      5. Parenting Program - client lives at the program
      6. Transportation – to and from the day program
      7. Client Transportation – used in conjunction with an hourly service
      8. Vendor (FI only) – vendor payments
    3. Service Code Name (required): User-friendly name. Employees will select when adding a punch.
    4. Funding Type (FI only - required): Select whether authorization is units-based or dollar-based
    5. Billing Details: Click the blue plus (+) icon to expand the billing options
      1. Bill Code (required): Unique identifier provided by the funding source
      2. Billable: Defaults to yes. Select no if this is a non-billable service.
      3. Billing Unit (required): The increment in which the funding source requires the service to be billed
      4. Billing Multiplier (required for hourly): Use to define hourly units for billing. Options are:
        1. Hourly – 60 minutes
        2. Half Hourly – 30 minutes
        3. Quarter Hourly – 15 minutes
      5. Default Billing Modifier (optional): Optional modifier, appears on the billing file
      6. Rounding Increment (required): Select by minutes
        1. None – no rounding
        2. 15 – round by 15 minutes
        3. 30 - round by 30 minutes
        4. 60 - round by 60 minutes
      7. Rounding Type (required if the rounding increment is 15, 30, 60) – Select how to round
        1. Round – to the nearest
        2. Truncate – round down
        3. Increment – round up
      8. Billing Rollup Type (required): Entries will be reported by billing rollup ID by the client
        1. None – Each entry has a unique billing rollup id
        2. Daily – Entries with the same date and client have the same billing rollup id
        3. Weekly - Entries in the same week and for the same client have the same billing rollup id
        4. Monthly - Entries in the same month and for the same client have the same billing rollup id
    6. Payroll Details: Click the blue plus (+) icon to expand the payroll options
        1. Payable: If yes, all employee time entries associated with this service code will appear on the payroll file. If no, the employee will not be paid for time clocked against this service.
        2. Overtime Exempt: If yes, employee time entries associated with this service code will not count towards the accumulation of 40 hours to calculate overtime.
        3. Default Pay Rate (optional): Entering a pay rate here will autofill the pay rate in all service accounts created with this service code.
          1. Default Pay Rate can be edited on the Service Account
        4. Has Max Pay Rate (optional): Defaults to no. If yes, this service code will have a max pay rate for any employee providing the service. This includes overtime.
        5. Max Pay Rate (optional): If yes, this field unlocks and becomes required.
      1. Hide Remaining Balance: Defaults to no. If yes, the remaining authorization balance is hidden when an employee clocks in.
      2. Allow Diagnosis Code: Defaults to yes. If no, this field will not appear when an employee adds an entry for this service code.
      3. EVV Required: If yes, EVV will be required on all punches associated with this service code. EVV must be enabled to activate Phone EVV and/or FOB functionality.
      4. Enable Geofencing: If yes, this service can only be provided within an established radius from approved locations.
        1. The punch is flagged for review, not rejected.
      5. Has Daily Rate: Defaults to yes, meaning the funding source will switch to a daily rate for this service after a specified number of hours is reached in a day.
        1. Daily Max (required): The maximum number of hours this service can be provided in a day before switching to the daily rate.
        2. Include Daily Pay Hours in OT Calculations: When converted to the daily rate, selecting yes means hours are included in overtime calculations.
      6. Default Auth Specs (optional): If this service code has a standard billing rate, daily max, weekly max, and/or monthly max, mark yes and complete the fields that are made visible. All new authorizations under this service code will auto-populate these figures.
      7. Service Code Reference 1, 2, and 3 (optional): Data entered in these fields are defined by the user and appear on the billing file
      8. GL Code (required): Code that will link all associated time entries to the appropriate GL account for the customer
      9. Description (optional): Additional information as needed
      10. Status: Defaults to active. Select inactive when no longer a valid service code.
      11. Canned Statements (optional): Enter canned statements (acknowledgments) that the employee can select at clock out.
      12. Default CPT Code and Default HCPCS Code (optional): The default code for this service. Only one or the other may be entered.
        1. CPT and HCPCS codes appear on client funding accounts and may be edited.
      13. Certification Template (optional): Select if there are a set of certification requirements specific to this service code
      14. EVV Aggregation Required (account type only - hourly, client transportation, group service) Yes or no options, defaults to no.
      15. Is Travel Time (account type only - hourly): Yes or no options, defaults to no.
      16. Display Monthly Budget Link (instance level setting): Monthly budget report will be linked to the authorizations of individuals receiving this service and available for viewing on employer and case worker profiles
  10. Select Save to continue and Yes to confirm

Create Client Profiles

Description: Profile in DCI representing a client (member) receiving services. Users of this type can view their employee entries.
