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Description: In this topic, the user will learn how to create an EVV-compliant punch on a landline phone with canned statements.

Role Required: Employee (base user)

Permission Required: N/A

About Phone EVV

Phone EVV is an option for clients who live in regions that have little or no access to a cellular or internet network but have landline phone access. This option allows the client to receive service while meeting the requirements for EVV.

Phone EVV is an IVR (interactive voice response) automated phone system meaning that the automated voice on the phone will ask questions and the user will enter their response by using the landline keypad. Each organization has the ability to configure specific automated prompts. The questions used by each organization may vary.

Phone EVV must be used with a landline and can be used for both real-time (at the time of service) or historical (after the service was completed) entries.

Canned Statements are tasks to select when creating punches. They vary by program but may include tasks such as ADL/IADL, dressing, bathing, eating, shopping, etc. If canned statements are enabled, select at least one task at clock out that was completed during the shift for both real-time and historical phone EVV entries.

Real-Time Phone EVV Clock In

The following is an example of how to clock in using phone EVV for real-time punches. Please note that the questions or voice prompts at each organization may be different. The process takes three to five minutes to complete.

  1. Arrive at the client's home to begin the shift. Prior to starting, use the client's landline phone to dial the phone number provided by the organization.

  2. An automated voice will prompt for the last four digits of the employee's social security number on the landline keypad. If the organization offers multiple languages, select the preferred language prior to entering social security digits.

  3. When prompted enter the four-digit PIN provided by the organization

  4. When prompted enter month and day of birth (i.e., January 01 - enter 01 01)

  5. When prompted press 1 for hourly services

  6. The system will read the name(s) of client associated with the landline phone number. Press the number on the keypad associated with the client (i.e., press 1 for John Smith).

  7. Press 1 for real time. The options will be to press 1 for hourly service or 2 for historical entries.

  8. Press the appropriate number to confirm the service code (i.e., respite)

    1. If more than one service code, the system will read all service codes available (i.e., press 1 for respite, press 2 for attendant care)

  9. The system will read how many hours are left on the current authorization. To continue, press 1. Otherwise, press 2 to end the call.

    1. This is a configurable setting that is not used by all organizations

    2. Move on to next step if no balance announced

  10. Select clock in EVV Location

    1. If the user is calling from the associated EVV phone number, this step will not be presented as the EVV location will be automatically selected.

    1. If this is required by the organization, a selection must be made ("none" will not be an option). The system will provide numbered options for EVV locations associated with the client.

    2. If this is not required by the organization, "none" will be an available option.

  11. Press 1 to save the entry and clock in

Real-Time Phone EVV Clock Out

The process for clocking out will be similar to the process for clocking in. Please note that questions or voice prompts at each organization may vary. The process takes three to five minutes to complete.

  1. At the end of the shift, use the client's landline phone to dial the phone number provided by the organization.

  2. An automated voice will prompt for the last four digits of the employee's social security number on the landline keypad. If the organization offers multiple languages, select the preferred language prior to entering social security digits.

  3. When prompted enter the four-digit PIN provided by the organization

  4. The system will read each canned statement. Select 1 if the task was completed or 2 if the task was not completed (e.g., Laundry, press 1 for yes and 2 for no). Select at least one canned statement or the call will disconnect, and the process must be restarted.

  5. The system will alert that there is an open punch. When prompted press 1 to confirm closing the punch.

  6. Press 2 to disconnect (clock out has now occurred), or if needed, press 1 to start a new shift (e.g., A real-time clock out was just completed, but a historical punch also needs to be entered. Stay on the line and complete both.).

Historical Phone EVV

Historical phone EVV allows users to enter time after the shift has already happened. Because the shift is in the past, clock in and out during the same call. Historical phone EVV requires that the client or authorized client representative verify the historical time entry. Historical time entries can happen for many reasons. The most common reason is that the employee forgot to clock in for a shift. Another reason may be that there were urgent care needs at the beginning of the shift and the employee had to attend to the client before they were able to clock in. Please note that the questions or voice prompts at each organization may be different. Allow five to eight minutes to complete this process.

  1. The client or authorized representative must be present for historical punches. Use the client's landline phone to dial the phone number provided by the organization.

  2. An automated voice will prompt for the last four digits of the employee's social security number on the landline keypad. If the organization offers multiple languages, select the preferred language prior to entering social security digits.

  3. When prompted enter the four-digit PIN provided by the organization

  4. When prompted press 1 for hourly services

  5. The system will read the name(s) of the client associated with the landline phone number. Press the number on the keypad associated with the client (e.g., press 1 for John Smith).

  6. Press 2 for historical. The options will be to press 1 for hourly service or 2 for historical entries.

  7. Press the appropriate number to confirm the service code (e.g., respite)

    1. If more than one service code, the system will read all service codes available (e.g., press 1 for respite, press 2 for attendant care)

  8. Enter Date of Service in MMDDYYYY format (e.g., August 1, 2021, is 08012021)

  9. Enter Clock-In Time in HHMM format (e.g., 8:30 is 0830)

    1. Press 1 for AM or 2 for PM 

  10. Enter Clock-Out Time in HHMM format (e.g., 4:45 is 0445) 

    1. Press 1 for AM or 2 for PM 

  11. The system will read each canned statement. Select 1 if the task was completed and 2 if the task was not completed (e.g., Laundry, press 1 for yes and 2 for no). Select at least one canned statement or the call will disconnect, and the process must be restarted.

  12. The system will read back punch details. Press 1 to confirm.

  13. Hand the landline phone to the client or authorized client representative to verify the historical entry

  14. The client or authorized client representative will press 1 when ready

  15. They listen to the punch details and press 1 to accept or 2 to reject

  16. They enter their PIN to validate 

  17. The call will end automatically, and the historical punch is now recorded.

Please see attachment for detailed instructions on how to make punches via phone.


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