Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Open Excel and create a file with the following column headers:

    1. PayrollEntryID

      1. Listed as Entry Id on the RawPayrollDump file

      2. Create one row for each payroll entry in the batch

    2. PayrollSystemReferenceID

      1. ID generated from the organization's payroll system/engine, external to DCI.

    3. PayrollRefCheckId (optional)

      1. Check number on which the entry was paid, generated from the organization's payroll system/engine.

    4. UnitAmount

      1. Unit amount as entered on the punch entry. This must match the punch exactly.

      2. Listed as Pay Units on the RawPayrollDump file

    5. NetPay

      1. Net amount paid to employee, generated from the organization's payroll system/engine.

    6. PayDate

      1. Date the employee was paid, generated from the organization's payroll system/engine.

    7. PayrollBurden

      1. Actual payroll burden for the entry

      2. Required for dollar-based entries, optional for all other units.

      3. Listed as Estimated Payroll Burden Multiplier on the RawPayrollDump file

  2. Save as a Text (TXT) file to import


  1. Select Payroll from the main menu

  2. Select Reconcile from the submenu

  3. Search for the file by typing the reconcile text file name into the search filters and clicking Search

  4. Click anywhere on the row in the attachments table to open the results file

  5. In the Attachment Details widget, next to the name field, click the blue download arrow icon to start the download.

  6. Open the downloaded TXT file

  7. Review the results file

    1. First row is headers

    2. Subsequent rows are results for each line on the payroll reconcile file

    3. Each row will state Failure or Success at the end of the row (see ReconcileStatus header)

      1. Failures will include a failure reason (see Reconcile Reason header)


  1. Create the Reconcile Text File using the steps above

  2. Select Payroll from the main menu

  3. Select Reconcile from the submenu

  4. From the attachments table, select one or more files to reconcile.

  5. Click Actions 

  6. Select Upload File 

    1. The reconcile text file will include the entries from the selected batches

  7. Complete the Reconcile File form wizard

    1. Enter a Ref Reconcile Id - Choose any reference number

    2. File Name - The name that will appear in the attachments Attachments tab describing the reconcile file

    3. Click Add Attachment to attach the reconcile text file discussed in the previous steps

    4. Click Save
