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Description:  In this guide you , the user will learn about how to run and download reports, understand the filters available for searching, and the available column data in each report. 

*Please note:  The Report access differs by mode. In service provider (SP mode) the user will have access to all reports based on the assigned role. In fiscal intermediary (FI mode) the user will have access to reports based on the assigned role and cost center. The employer and case manager worker roles can only view a limited subset of reports to maintain HIPAA compliance. Report access is dependent upon role or permission.

Roles Required: SuperuserSuper User, Supervisor, Employer, Case ManagerWorker 

Permissions Required:  N/A

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Reports Guide.pdf

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Run and Download Reports

Description:  In this topic you will learn how to run and download reports.

*Please note: The employer and case manager roles can only view a limited subset of reports to maintain HIPAA compliance.

  1. Log in to DCI
  2. Click Reports
  3. Sign into your Personal Profile
  4. Click the Reports tab on the main menu
  5. Select (hover over) the submenu to view the associated reports listed in the flyout menu
    1. For example, select (hover over) COA Reports on the submenu to open the flyout menu which will display all associated reports.
  6. Select the report you want to run from the flyout menu
  7. Enter desired criteria into the filters (i.e., filter by time frame, specific client, employee, service code, cost center, etc.)
  8. Click the Search button
    1. The records will display in the table below the filters
  9. Click the Download button
    1. Select the column(s) to be displayed on the report
    2. Select the Right Triangle button to add a column to the Selected Columns
    3. Select the Double Right Triangle >> button to add all columns to the Selected Columns
    4. Select the Left Triangle button to remove the column from the Selected Columns
    5. Select the Double Left Triangle << button to remove all columns from the Selected Columns
  10. Click Next
  11. Select the format to download the report by clicking the Format dropdown drop-down
    1. Formats: Excel, PDF, CSV, Tab delimited
      1. PDFs have a 10-column limitation for report downloads
    2. Select the layout for which you would like the report downloaded download in the Layout dropdown drop-down
      1. Layouts: Portrait or Landscape
      2. Layout is only available when PDF format is selected
    3. Select Download to download the report
      1. Optional - click the Save as Report Preference Checkbox if you would like to save this report preference in the future
    4. Select Yes in the confirmation alert window
    5. Optional - click the Save as Report Preference Checkbox if you would like to save this report preference in the future


Reports can be filtered based on desired criteria. Filter options vary based on the selected report. Please refer to the list below for a description of each filter.

  • From: Enter the earliest date of service desired. If left blank, results will include all results from the beginning of time.
  • To: Enter the latest date of service desired. If left blank, results will include all results up to the current date.
  • Select Account Type: Filter results to one type of service account. Depending on the report type, choices include:
    • Client Service
    • Employee Service
    • Training
    • Hourly
    • Day Program
    • Residential Program
    • Administration
    • Drive
    • Vacation
    • Sick
    • PTO
    • Holiday
    • Mileage
    • Group Service
    • Parenting Program
    • Client Transportation
  • Type Client Name: Filter results to one client
  • Type Employee Name: Filter results to one employee
  • Type Service Code: Filter results to one service code
  • Type Cost Center: Filter results to one Cost Center. The user can also use a wildcard in the Cost Center filter to pull results for a group of cost centers
    • Ex: For example, typing OR* will include punch entries for all Cost Centers that start with OR.
  • Select Activity: Filter results to one General Activity. This only applies to punches for Administration service accounts.
  • Select Status (Punch): Filter results based on Punch Status. Choices include:
    • Pending
    • Open
    • Unverified
    • Approved
    • Batched
    • Paid
    • Canceled
    • Rejected
    • Processed
    • Unvalidated
  • Select Status (Account): Filter results based on account Status. Choices include:
    • Active
    • Inactive
  • Select Status (Program Profile): Filter results based on program status. Choices include:
    • Active
    • Inactive
  • Select Status (Employee Profile): Filter results based on employee profile status. Choices Include:
    • Pending
    • Active
    • Terminated
    • Suspended
    • Extended Leave
    • Registered
  • Select Status (Client Profile): Filter results based on client profile status. Choices Include:
    • Active
    • Deceased
    • Inactive
    • Discharged
    • Suspended
  • Select Status (Certification Template): Filter results based on template status. Choices include:
    • Active
    • Inactive
  • Select Status (Certification Requirement): Filter results based on requirement status. Choices include:
    • Active
    • Inactive
  • Select Status (Business Rule): Filter results based on business rule status. Choices include:
    • Enabled
    • Disabled
  • Profile Type: Filter results to one profile type. Choices include:
    • Employee
    • Client
    • Residential Program
    • Day Program
    • Group Service
    • Parenting Program
  • Select Employee Type: Filter results to one employee type. Choices include:
    • Hourly Exempt
    • Hourly Non-Exempt
    • Salary Exempt
    • Salary Non-Exempt
    • Contractor
  • Type City: Filter results to one city
  • Type State: Filter results to one state
  • Employee/Client/Residential Program/Day Program: Filter results to one entity. Filter by an employee, client, residential program, or day program. To use the filter, begin typing the name of the desired entity and select.
  • Select Method (Mileage Punches): Filter results based on how the mileage punch was entered. Choices include:
    • Odometer
    • Geolocation
  • Type Funding Source Name: Filter results to one funding source
  • Cutoff Date: Filter authorizations up to a specific date
  • Future Authorizations: Select the checkbox to include results with a start date in the future
  • Ended Authorizations: Select the checkbox to include results with an end date in the past
  • Discharged Clients Authorizations: Select the checkbox to include results for clients who have been discharged.
  • 30 Days (Expiring Within): Include results that expire in the specified window of time. Choices include:
    • 30 Days
    • 60 Days
    • 90 Days
    • 120 Days
  • Enter Batch ID: Include results for a specific Payroll or Billing Batch
  • Punch Entries Checkbox: Include punch entries (in addition to payroll or billing entries) on Payroll or Billing Batch reports.
  • Select Unit: Filter results based on billing unit. Choices include:
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Monthly
    • Miles
  • Type Region Name: Filter results based on a specific Funding Source region.
  • Select Association Type: Filter results based on which entity a template is linked to. Choices include:
    • Service Code
    • Profile (includes both Employee and Client Profiles)
    • Cost Center
    • Funding Account
    • Master Program (select for templates linked to Residential, Day, Parenting, or Group Service Programs)
  • Type Requirement Name: Filter results to one Certification Requirement.
  • Subject: Filter Login Report results based on the event type.
  • Added By: Filter results based on which user completed the action.

COA Reports

Auto Approval Report


Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Punch Entries Entry Details Report

Purpose: View all punch entries made in the system based on desired filters. Also view who and when created the punch and approved or rejected the punch.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Date From

·         Punch ID

·         Date To

·         Pay Week

·         Account Type

·         Reference Punch ID

·         Client Name

·         Date of Service

·         Employee Name

·         Account Type

·         Service Code

·         Vehicle Type

·         Cost Center

·         General Activity

·         Activity

·         Employee/Vendor Name

·         Status

·         Employee Number

·         Payroll Batch Name

·         Client/Residential/Day Program Name

·         Payroll Batch Id

·         Employee Time Zone

·         Entry Type

·         Client/Program Time Zone

·         Include Canceled and Rejected Punches

·         Account Reference

·         Include Only Unbatched Punches

·         Cost Center

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Hours

·         Amount

·         Billable Amount

·         Rounded Amount

·         Employer Burden Rate

·         Employer Cost

·         EVV

·         EVV Method

·         Status

·         Created By

·         Created Date

·         Created IP Address

·         Approved/Rejected By

·         Approved/Rejected Date

·         Approved IP Address

·         Input Method Type

·         Payroll Batch Name

·         Payroll Batch ID

·         Entry Type

·         Pay Rate

·         Pay Rate Name

·         EVV Compliant

·         Flags

·         Reason Code Name 1

·         Reason Code 1

·         Free Text Note 1

Service Accounts Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Service Accounts Report


Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Profile Type

·         Account Type

·         Employee/Client/Residential/Day Program/Vendor

·         Account ID

·         Cost Center

·         Employee/Residential/Day Program NameName/Vendor

·         Service Code

·         Employee Number/Client ID

·         Account Type

·         Cost Center

·         Status

·         Pay Rate

·         Service Code

·         Client/Residential/Day Program

·         Client ID

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Account Reference

·         Status

·         Relationship Type

·         EVV Exempt

·         EVV Frequency

·         Display Auth Widget

Residential Attendance Report


Navigation: Reports > Authorization Reports > Authorization Entries Report

Purpose: Shows all select authorizations in the system. *Please note: Authorizations for Clients in a client status of deceased, suspended, or inactive, are not included in the report. 

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Client Name

·         Authorization ID

·         Funding Source Name

·         Client Name

·         Account Type

·         Client ID

·         Service Code

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         Cut Off Date

·         Region

·         Region

·         Authorization ID Reference

·         Include Future Authorizations

·         Authorization ID Reference 1

·         Include Ended Authorizations

·         Authorization ID Reference 2

·         Include Discharged Clients Authorizations

·         Authorization ID Reference 3

·         Include Rejected Authorizations

·         Authorization ID Reference 4

·         Authorization ID Reference 5

·         Eligibility Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Expiration Date

·         Initial Balance

·         Remaining Balance

·         Holds

·         Available

·         Billing Rate

·         Monthly Max

·         Weekly Max

·         Daily Max

·         Maximum Daily Billable Units

·         Daily Rate

·         Billing Unit

·         Non Billable

·         Billing Hold

·         Status

·         Created By

·         Created Date

·         Approved/Rejected By

·         Approved/Rejected Date


Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Funding Source Name

·         Funding Source ID

·         Account Type

·         Funding Source Name

·         Status

·         Service Code ID

·         Funding Type

·         Service Code

·         CPT Code

·         Account Type

·         HCPCS Code

·         Funding Type

·         Billable

·         Billing Unit

·         Rounding Increment

·         Rounding Type

·         Payable

·         Overtime Exempt

·         Has Daily Rate

·         Daily Max

·         Daily Bill Rate

·         Daily Bill Code

·         Billing Rollup Type

·         Default Provider Service Location

·         Bill Code

·         Billing Multiplier

·         EVV Required

·         Require Care Notes

·         Reference 1

·         Reference 2

·         Reference 3

·         CPT Code

·         HCPCS Code

·         EVV Aggregation Required

·         Is Travel Time

·         Status

·         Require EVV Location

·         Show Remaining Balance

·         Show Monthly Balance

·         Show Weekly Balance

·         Show Daily Balance

Service Code Groups Report


Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Business Rule Status

·         Business Rule Id

·         Account Type

·         Funding Source Id

·         Funding Source Name

·         Funding Source Name

·         Service Code

·         Service Code Id

·         Unit

·         Service Code Name

·         Business Rule Id

·         Business Rule Name

·         Status

·         Phase

·         Parameter 1

·         Parameter 2
