Versions Compared


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Description: In  In this topic you , the user will learn how to set up and manage the EVV phone system. Phone EVV phone is an option for clients who live in regions that have little or no access to the interneta cellular or internet network but have landline phone access. This option allows the client to receive service while meeting the standards requirements for electronic visit verificationEVV.   Phone EVV phone is used for employees to clock in/out for hourly, Residential Programs, Day Programs and Parenting Programs. group services, residential programs, day programs, and parenting programs. The employee must call the IVR phone number from the phone number (landline) on the clients profile to create real time and historical punches.

*Please note: Phone EVV phone has multi-language capability. This requires an instance-level setting change. Please contact your DCI representative to learn more about multi-language functionalityfor more information.

Role Required: SuperuserModified Role: Supervisor and Employer have access to some, but not all of this functionality. The system administrator should be the point person on phone prompt changes. Super User, varies by object for Supervisor, Employer

Permission Required: Varies by object for Funding Source Admin, Client Admin

Table of Contents
, Report Admin




& Examples

The system is enabled DCI comes with standard phone prompts . During the implementation process, a DCI implementation specialist may configure those prompts per the agencyand during implementation the prompts will be configured per the organization's requirements. Please check in with your System Administrator prior to making any changes to EVV Phone Prompts. 


  • Greeting Message – “Hello! Thank you for calling the DCI time keeping system.”

  • SSN Authentication – “Please enter the last four digits of your social security number.”

  • SSN Re-authentication "Please re-enter the last four digits of your social security number.”


  • PIN Authentication – “Please enter your


  • PIN.”

  • Employee Authentication Failed


  • – “We are unable to locate your employee record. Please contact your supervisor.”

  • Exceeded Attempts – “You have exceeded the number of attempts allowed.”

  • Date of Birth Authentication


  • – “Please enter your birth month and date. For example, June 4th would be 0604.”

  • Invalid Selection


  • – “You have made an invalid selection.”

  • No Employee Record


  • – “We are unable to recognize the number you are calling from


  • . Please try again from an approved number.”

  • Punch Should Be Closed


  • – “We are unable to continue until your punch is closed.”

  • Punch Validation Failed


  • – “Punch validation failed. Please contact your supervisor.”

  • Unknown Number – Profile


  • – “We are unable to locate any profiles that


  • match the number you are calling from. Please call back from a valid number or contact your supervisor if you feel this is an error.” 

  • Inactive Hourly Service Account


  • – “There is no active hourly service account for this client. Please verify you have selected the correct client, or contact your supervisor.”

  • Inactive Authorization


  • – “There is no active authorization for this client. Please contact your supervisor.”

  • Inactive Residential Client Service Account


  • – “The client you have selected does not have an active residential account. Please verify your entry. If you feel this is an error, contact your supervisor.”

  • Confirm Client PIN - "Confirm Client PIN."

  • Initiate Client Validation - "Initiate Client Validation."


  • Goodbye Message - "Thanks for calling.


  • Goodbye."

  • Client PIN Failure - "Client PIN authentication failed."

Edit the IVR Prompts

Please check with the organization's System Administrator before making any changes to EVV Phone Prompts.

  1. Log in to


  1. DCI


  1. Click Settings


  1.  on the main menu


  1. Click EVV


  1.  on the


  1. submenu


  1. Select EVV IVR Prompts


  1.  on the flyout menu

  2. Select the prompt


  1. to manage

  1. The prompts are listed above


  1. it

  2. Click Actions 

  3. Select Edit IVR Prompt from the drop-down menu

    1. If multi-language is enabled, multiple languages will be visible


    1. on the language tab.

  1. Enter


  1. the prompt text

    1. The prompt text will be read by a computer generated voice

    2. Add an attachment by


    1. clicking Add Attachment, then select the file to upload

      1. A voice recording attachment, like an mp3 file, can be added to the voice prompt. The system will play the attachment so


      1. users will hear a human voice


      1. instead of the computer-generated


      1. one.

    1. Update the greeting for multi-language (if enabled) and click


    1. the Translate


    1.  button


  1. Click Save and Yes to confirm

Listen to the IVR Prompts

  1. Log in to


  1. DCI


  1. Click Settings


  1.  on the main menu


  1. Click EVV


  1.  on the


  1. submenu


  1. Click EVV IVR Prompts


  1.  on the flyout menu

  2. Select the prompt


  1. to manage


  1. Click Actions 

  2. Select 

  1. Edit Phone Prompt from the drop-down menu

  2. If the prompt has an audio file attachment,


  1. an attachment and a mini audio player will be visible


  1. Click the play button or download the file to listen to the prompt

EVV Call Logs

View EVV call logs

Create a New Service Code with EVV and EVV Location

Enabling EVV on a service code will enable it for Phone EVV. Choose whether EVV Location is a required field.Option A

  1. Log in to


  1. DCI

  2. Click


  1.  Settings on the main menu

  1. Click EVV Reports on the sub menu

  1. Click EVV Phone Reports from the flyout menu

  1. You can enter in search criteria at the top of the screen if you are looking for a particular call or select Search to view all results

Option B

  1. Log in to your Personal Profile

  1. Click Settings from the main menu

  1. Click EVV from the sub menu

  1. Click EVV Call Logs from the flyout menu

  1. You can enter in search criteria at the top of the screen if you are looking for a particular call or select Search to view all results

These reports contain the following information:

  • Date of call

  • Start Time/End Time

  • Prompt Language

  • Account Type i.e. Hourly/Residential/Day/Parenting Program

  • Cost Center

  • Phone Number

  • Client/Program Name

  • Employee Name

  • Result

In order to find the most relevant information, the system allows the ability to filter the report by:

  • Date of Call

  • Account Type i.e. Hourly/Residential/Day/Parenting Program

  • Cost Center

  • Phone Number

  • Employee Name

  • Client Name

EVV Phone Service Code

Once the EVV Phone method has been approved by your supervisor for a particular client and/or service, proceed with the following steps. 

Service Code with EVV

Create a new service code with EVV. Enabling EVV will enable EVV on a service code will enable it for Phone EVV.

  1. Log in to your Personal Profile

  1. Click Settings from the main menu

  1. Click Funding Sources from the sub menu

  1. Choose the Funding Source where you would like to create a new Service Code by selecting in the list or searching using the filters and click Search

  1. Click Actions button

  1. Click New Service Code from the actions dropdown

  1. To enable EVV:

  1. Fill out the form wizard

  1. For EVV Required click Yes

  1. Click Save

  1. Click Yes on the confirmation alert window 

Edit an existing Service Code to comply with EVV

  1. Log in to your personal profile

  1. Click Settings from the main menu

  1. Click Funding Sources from the sub menu


  1. Click Funding Sources on the submenu

  2. Search for and select the funding source

  3. Click Actions 

  4. Select New Service Code from the drop-down menu

  5. Complete the form wizard

    1. Require EVV Location: Select Yes to make this a required field or No so that users may optionally choose it.

      1. If location is required, a selection must be made during Phone EVV entry ("none" will not be an option). The system will provide numbered options for EVV locations associated with the client.

        1. If the user is calling from the associated EVV phone number, this step will not be presented as the EVV location will be automatically selected.

      2. If location is not required, "none" will be an available option.

    2. EVV Required: Select Yes to make EVV required or No if it is not

  6. Click Save and Yes to confirm

Edit an Existing Service Code to Comply with EVV and EVV Location

  1. Log in to DCI

  2. Click Settings on the main menu

  3. Click Funding Sources on the submenu

  4. Search for and select the funding source

  5. Scroll down and click on the service code to edit


  1. to open the service code details page

  2. Click Actions 

  3. Select Edit Service Code from the drop-down menu

    1. Require EVV Location: Select Yes to make this a required field or No so that users may optionally choose it.

      1. If location is required, a selection must be made during Phone EVV entry ("none" will not be an option). The system will provide numbered options for EVV locations associated with the client.

        1. If the user is calling from the associated EVV phone number, this step will not be presented as the EVV location will be automatically selected.

      2. If location is not required, "none" will be an available option.

    2. EVV Required: Select Yes to make EVV required or No if it is not

  4. Click Save and Yes to confirm

Create a New EVV Employee Service Account

  1. Log in to DCI

  2. Click Home on the main menu

  3. Click Employees on the submenu

  4. Enter the employee's name in the filter and click Search

  5. Click anywhere in the employee row to open the Employee Details page

  6. Click Actions

  7. Select New Service Account from the drop-down menu

  8. Complete the form wizard 

    1. Set the EVV Frequency Type: 

  1. Click Actions button

  1. Click Edit Service Code from the actions dropdown

  1. Verify the toggle button next to EVV Required is set to Yes

  1. Click Save

  1. Click Yes on the confirmation alert window 

EVV Service Account

The supervisor will set the EVV frequency on the Service Account. EVV Location will be required at Clock Out or Clock In/Out, depending on EVV frequency setting. EVV Location will not be required at interval check-ins.

Create a new EVV Client Service Account

  1. Log in to your Personal Profile

  1. Click Home on the main menu

  1. Click Clients on the submenu

  1. Search for the client by typing their name in search filters and selecting the name when it comes up

  1. Click Search

  1. Select the client from the table by clicking anywhere in the row

  1. This will open up the Client Details page

  1. Click Actions button

  1. Click New Service Account from the actions dropdown

  1. Fill out the form wizard as usual


      1. Clock Out Only

      2. Clock In and Out

      3. Clock In, Out, and Defined Intervals During Shift


        1. Define the intervals in minutes


  1. Click Save

  1. Click Yes on the confirmation alert window 


        1. for this option

      1. Clock In Only

  1. Click Save and Yes to confirm

Edit an Existing Employee Service Account to Comply with EVV

  1. Log in to


  1. DCI


  1. Click Home


  1.  on the main menu


  1. Click Employees on the submenu

  1. Search for the client by entering the name and using the filters, then select the Search button

  1. The search results will update in the table below the search box

  1. Enter the employee's name in the filter and click Search

  2. Click anywhere in the


  1. employee row to open


  1. the


  1. Employee Details page


  1. Click the Accounts tab


  1. Select the account


  1. to be


  1. edited


  1. Click Actions


  1. Select Edit Account from the


  1. drop-down menu

  2. Set the 

  1. EVV Frequency Type


  1. :

    1. Clock Out Only

    2. Clock In and Out

    3. Clock In, Out, and Defined Intervals During Shift


      1. Define the intervals in minutes for this option

    1. Clock In Only

  1. Click Save


  1.  and Yes to confirm

Phone EVV Locations

Creating an EVV location for a client , enables to opportunity to associate associates a landline phone with that client's EVV location. While DCI does not have a phone verification service, you each organization can mark a phone number as verified or not verified when creating an EVV location.

  • The employee will need to be calling the IVR phone number from the phone number (landline) listed on the clients profile

    • If


    • the phone


    • number is not listed on the client profile the result on the EVV Call Log


    •  will show an Unrecognized Number.

  • If EVV Location is required by the organization and the user is calling from the associated EVV phone number, the EVV location will be automatically selected for the user.

Add a Location to an Existing Profile

  1. Log in to DCI

  • If a phone is Not Verified in EVV locations, the result on the EVV Call Log will show Unrecognized Number


  1. Click the desired profile type from the


  1. submenu

  2. Search and select the profile


  1. to add a location to


  1. Click Actions


  1. Select New EVV Location


  1.  from the drop-down menu 


  1. Complete the Add New EVV Location


  1.  form wizard



    1. EVV Location Name


    1. (required) - Should be recognizable by the employee providing services



    1. EVV Location Type


    1. (required) - Residential,


    1.  Commercial,


    1. or Public Space


    1. Address (required) - Enter the EVV Location address



    1. Phone Number (optional) - For phone EVV, this is the client's landline number.

      1. Every active EVV Location for a client must have a unique phone number associated with it, if a phone number is entered


      1. .

      2. The client's landline number needs to also be listed on the client profile in the phone number field

    1. Phone Verified - Tracking done by the organization

    2. Phone Type (optional)

  1. Select Phone Verified

  1. Click Yes if phone number has been verified, No if it has not


      1. This list is configurable


      1. via Settings


      1.  > Custom Dropdowns

      2. Examples might include


      1. Landline, Mobile, Apple, Android, etc.


    1. Phone Carrier (optional)

      1. This list is configurable


      1. via Settings


      1.  > Custom Dropdowns

      2. Examples might include local carriers or national carriers such as ATT or Verizon


    1. Begin Date


    1.  (required)

    2. End


    1. Date (optional)

      1. If no End Date is selected, the EVV location will always be available.


    1. Status (required) - Active or Inactive

      1. Active: Location will be available when entering a punch

      2. Inactive: Location will be hidden when entering a punch


    1. Primary checkbox - Check if this is the location that should auto-populate on


    1. new punches

      1. Only one location can be primary


  1. Click Save


    1. The system will verify the EVV Location is a valid address

      1. If it is valid, click Yes to confirm.

    2. If it is not, an error will


    1. display that reads, “Google Maps does not recognize this Location Address.”


    1. Enter a valid address to continue


    1. .

  1. To view the EVV Location Details, click the EVV Locations Tab on the Profile Details


  1. page.

*For new client profiles, follow steps 6 six through 15 eight when you get to completing the EVV Location tab of the Add New Client Wizard.

EVV Phone Report

  1. Log in to DCI

  2. Click Reports on the main menu

  3. Click EVV Reports on the submenu

EVV Punches

No action is required on the part of the employer or supervisor for EVV phone. To review punches that were submitted via phone or with EVV:

  1. Log in to your Personal Profile

  1. Click Entries on the sub menu

  1. To review the details of any punch, click the blue Entry ID in the punch row.

*Please note that EVV Phone will not appear in the EVV Verifications table.

Historical Phone Entries

  1. Click EVV Phone Report on the flyout menu

This report contains the following information:

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·        Date of Call

·        Punch Id

·        Service Code

·        Date of Call

·        Cost Center

·        Start Time

·        Phone Number

·        End Time

·        Employee Name

·        Service Code

·        Client Name

·        Cost Center

·        Phone Number

·        Client/Program Name

·        Employee

·        Clock In EVV Location

·        Clock Out EVV Location

·        Result

EVV Call Logs

  1. Log in to DCI

  2. Click Settings on the main menu

  3. Click EVV on the submenu

  4. Click EVV Call Logs on the flyout menu

The call logs provide the following information:

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·       Date of Call (MM/DD/YYYY)

·       Date of Call

·        Account Type

·        Start Time

·        Cost Center

·        End Time

·        Phone Number

·        Prompt Language

·        Employee Name

·        Account Type

·        Client Name

·        Cost Center

·        Phone Number

·        Client/Program Name

·        Employee

·        Result

Historical Phone Entries

Historical phone EVV allows users to enter time after the shift has already happened using the client's landline phone number. Because the shift is in the past, users clock in and out during the same call. Historical phone EVV requires that Historical phone entries require the client or authorized client representative to key in their pin on the landline phone once the employee has completed the entry and hands you the phone for verificationbe present to verify the historical time entry.

Historical phone entries are not EVV compliant and should only be used when necessary. For example, if the landline service was down during the shift or if the employee forgot to clock in and out. the most common reason is that the employee forgot to clock in for a shift. Another reason may be that there were urgent care needs at the beginning of the shift and the employee had to attend to the client before they were able to clock in. These should be exceptions and ever every effort should be made to ensure an EVV-compliant method is completed at the time .

There is no action required by the employer or supervisor on historical entries, but you may want to prompt the employee to use an EVV compliant method if these occur frequently.

EVV Locations Reports

The following are the EVV report options. The EVV Phone Report is going to have information about Phone EVV.

  • EVV Entries Report

  • Geofence Report

  • EVV Phone Report

  • FOB Report

  • Portal Sign Off Report

Access EVV Phone Report

  1. Log in to your Personal Profile

  1. Click Reports in the main menu

  1. Click EVV Reports on the sub menu


of the shift.

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