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Purpose: Contains all useful information specific to running reports in OR PTC DCI.

Outcome: Staff user is familiar with canned reports and how to run them, as well as several custom reports.

Staff - Reports Guide.pdf

Table of Contents

Canned Reports

The OR PTC DCI Reports Module includes over 80 canned reports and is accessible to State or AAA users. The data in each report is limited to the cost center(s) over which the user has a role. 


A canned report is a report that comes standard with the DCI software. Canned reports are valuable because they allow users to gather data pertaining to their cost center.

Below are examples of information you may want to know and what report you can use to find that information.


I want to know…


Report Name


Report Location


How many hours were worked in a Cost Center or by a provider


Punch Entries


COA Reports


When State Users entered punches on behalf of the provider


Punch Entry Details or Late Entry Report


COA Reports Management



Who has service accounts for my Cost Center


Service Accounts Report


COA Reports


If consumers signed off on punches


Punch Entries


COA Reports


Who approved punches and when were they approved


Punch Entry Details


COA Reports


What authorizations went over their limit


Punch Entry Over



Management Reports


If a provider is on track to use all their authorized hours by the end of the pay period


Authorization Run Rate


Authorization Reports


If a consumer has active



Authorization Entries


Authorization Reports


Which authorizations are expiring soon


Expiring Authorizations


Authorization Reports


How many hours have been worked against an authorization


Authorization Transactions


Authorization Reports


What consumers are assigned to a Cost Center


Client Report


Client Report


What providers are assigned to a Cost Center


Employee Report


Employee Report


What providers are missing an

employee number


Employee Report


Employee Report


How many hours a provider claimed and the statuses of those entries


Punch Entries Details


COA Reports Payroll Reports

Canned Reports – How to Search, Filter, and Download

To search for and download a report, after navigating to the appropriate report within the Reports module:

  1. Enter search criteria (if you want to narrow the scope of the report).
  2. Click Search.
  3. Click Download.
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  4. Various columns can be included or excluded using the arrow buttons. To include columns in your download, click the column title in Available Columns, click the right arrow, and see it appear in Selected Columns. If you selected a column you don’t want in your downloaded report, click the column in Selected Columns and click the left facing arrow. To download the report with all available columns, click the double right-facing arrow. The columns in Selected Columns will appear on your download in the order they are listed here. You can also drag columns in Selected Columns to change this order.
  5. After selecting the desired columns, click Next.
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  6. Select a format from the dropdown menu you would like the report downloaded in.
  7. Click Download.
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  8. When the Alert appears, click Yes.
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Canned Report Example

Your report can then be opened in an Excel workbook. For this example, we are using the Notes Report.
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If you select the triangle in the corner to select the whole sheet and double click the divider between any of the columns Excel will resize to fit the contents.

Punch Entry Details Report

This report is useful for identifying the status of Punch Entries in your Cost Center, which is particularly useful after the end of the pay period.

It is recommended to pull the punch entries report after the pay period has ended so staff can follow up on different punch entries with one of these status options:

  • Approved
  • Rejected
  • Open
  • Pending
  • Unverified

To access the Punch Entry Details Report:


Select Punch Entry Details Report.
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  1. From (MM/DD/YYYY): this should be the start date of the pay period.
  2. To (MM/DD/YYYY): this should be the end date of the pay period.
  3. Cost Center: select the XXXX-EU version of the Cost Center (for this example we selected 0511-EU as the Cost Center).
  4. Status: select the status type you are interested in learning more about.
  5. Other search criteria are optional and dependent on your report needs.
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Punch Entry Report Status


Meaning/Action Needed




The local office needs to run a Payroll Batch for the pay period in question.




A staff member, the provider, or the consumer rejected the entry, meaning the entry was not accurate.

Providers are not notified if a time entry is rejected by a staff member but are notified if it is done by the consumer.




The provider has clocked in for a shift but has not yet clocked out.




An entry waiting for auto-approval to run or that has failed a business rule.

Failing a business rule typically means the provider claimed more hours than were authorized by the Case Manager. Pending entries will not be paid. See 4.1.1 Pending Entries Management for more information.




The punch has been either entered or edited by a staff member and must be verified. Unverified entries require action in order to move on in the process and be paid. Either another staff member or the provider can verify the entry.

Authorization Entries Report

This report is useful for identifying how far a provider is over their authorized hours. Any user with a Supervisor role in OR PTC DCI can

/access this report. If you do not have the Authorization Admin permission, you can pull this report to see the initial and remaining balance of an authorization. If you have the Authorization Admin permission, you can view authorizations directly. However, you still may find the Authorization Entries Report useful.

To access the Authorization Entries Report in OR PTC DCI:


  1. There is a scroll bar at the bottom of the list that allows you to scroll to the right to see more information about each authorization.
  2. You can move the columns left and right by clicking on the header and dragging it. This will allow you to organize the information displayed in the order you prefer. You can also change the width of columns by hovering to the right of the column and dragging to the right.
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  3. Key columns you will want to look at to identify authorizations are Authorization ID Reference, Authorization ID Reference 1, Start Date, and End Date.
    1. Authorization ID Reference shows the voucher number associated with the authorization.
    2. Authorization ID Reference 1 displays the provider number.
    3. Start and End Date refer to the start and end date of the authorization. Unless the provider only worked part of the pay period, these dates will correspond with the pay period the authorization is associated with.
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  1. The Initial Balance column shows the number of hours or miles the provider is authorized to work for this consumer for the dates specified for this authorization.
  2. The Holds column shows how many hours or miles are in a pending status for this authorization.
  3. The Available column displays how many hours or miles the provider can still claim against this authorization. This takes into account all pending entries. If this column shows 0, the provider has claimed all their authorized hours or miles. If this column displays a negative number, the provider has claimed that many hours over their authorized amount.
  4. For example, the identified line shows the provider was authorized 22 hours. They have 10.01 hours in a pending status. The available column shows -10.01, meaning the provider has claimed 10.01 hours over their authorized amount. The provider’s entries will need to be reduced by 10.01 hours in order to be within their authorized hours.
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    You can download this report if you would like to view it in Excel, PDF, or Google Sheets. For the following steps, we will download to Excel, but the steps are the same for the other formats.






Punch Entry Authorization Violation Report

The Create Punch Entry Authorization Violation Report can be used to show all pending entries that are over authorized hours in OR PTC DCI.

  1. Click the Reports Tab.
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  2. Hover over Management Reports on the left sidebar and select Punch Entry Authorization Violation Report from the menu.
  3. Enter the cost center and any other search criteria you may want to use and click Search.
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  4. Click Download.
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  5. Select the following Columns from the left side and then click the arrow to move it to the box on the right.
    1. Employee Name
    2. Client Name
    3. State Date
    4. End Date
    5. Hours
    6. Status
  6. Click Next.
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  7. For format, select Excel and Click Download. Click Yes when a message pops up.
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  8. Depending on your web browser download settings, you may need to select OK on a download window or select the download to download and open the Microsoft Excel sheet.
  9. Once the sheet is open, click Enable Editing at the top.
  10. In Excel, expand all the columns by selecting the columns and then double clicking the line between column A and B.
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  11. In Excel, filter the top row by selecting the row, selecting Data from the toolbar at the top, and clicking Filter.
  12. In Excel, filter the column labeled Status for “Pending” to display all entries that have not been worked yet.
  13. In Excel, use the Sort button (also under the Data tab).
  14. In the Sort window, select sort by Employee Name for column to sort by A-Z.
  15. Click OK.
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Notes Report

When time allows, please pull this report to view comments left by providers on their entries. To run a notes report, follow these steps after logging into OR PTC DCI:

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click Notes Report.
  3. Click on Punch Entry Notes and Canned Statements Report.
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  4. Use the search fields to enter any search criteria you wish to filter your report by. In this example, we entered a date range. Also note, there are options listed below the search criteria, such as Include Canceled and Rejected Punches, that you may wish to use.
  5. Click Search.
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  6. Your report will be displayed. If you wish to format this or download the report and format in Excel, follow the steps to download a report in Canned Reports - How to Search and Download beginning at step 4.

For an example of the Notes Report, see Canned Report Example.

Custom Reports

Acumen has also developed custom reports for the Agency upon request. A custom report can be sent once or on a recurring schedule. Custom reports are delivered to the recipient through the OR PTC DCI Messaging Module. The Agency has two custom reports:


  • This report provides a list of all system generated notifications, using DCI Message Templates, sent to a specific user (consumer, provider, or CER) within a given timeframe. This includes the message and date and time it was sent.


  • This report includes a list of external users (consumers and CERs) whose email address or phone number was changed in the prior month under a specific cost center.
    • Providers are housed under a generic cost center, so they are not included on the same report as consumers and CERs. The provider version of this report is no sent to the local offices since it is not separated by cost center.

nameStaff - Report Guide v2.2.pdf

Notifications Report

State Users can request this report for a specific provider by submitting an email request to OHCC Customer Relations,

The request needs to include:

  • Requestor name and OR# or P#
  • Explanation of why the report is being requested
  • The date range of notifications being requested (start date and end date).
  • Either the Uni ID or the Provider Number of the provider who received the notifications.
  • The name of the Message Template(s) included in the request. Or the requestor may simply state “All.”
  • Program Name(s): Requestor should state APD, AMH Behavioral Health, or both.

Here is an example of what the Notifications Report will look like. This will be sent to the Agency upon request. 

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Changed Email/Phone Report

Here is an example of the Changed Email/Phone Number Report. This will be sent to those identified by each office each month. State Users will utilize this report to identify when a consumer, CER, or provider has updated their email or phone number. They will then take appropriate actions specified in business processes 1.2.3 Manage Provider Accounts – Update Provider Information, 1.3.2 Update Consumer Information, and 1.4.2 Update Consumer Employer Representative Information.

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Content by Label
cqllabel = "state_user" and type = "page" and space = "ORPD"
