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  • Company logo - Click to return to the dashboard
  • Home - Click to return to the dashboard
  • Care Management (Instance-Level Setting) – Some organizations may use the care management module which includes client overview and summary, care notes, and plan of care information. See the Care Management section of the guide for details.
  • Reports - Access and run reports. See the Reports section of the guide for details.
  • Envelope Icon - Access the messaging center module to view and send messages
  • Help - Access the help center and search for articles by keyword or topic
  • Username - Displays the username of the user who is logged in to DCI
  • Settings – Indicated by the person icon. Click to update user settings including password, security question, email, or username. Also, click to log out of DCI.


  1. Log in to DCI with personal profile
  2. Click Home on the main menu
  3. Click Clients on the submenu
  4. Search for the client by typing the name in the field Type Client Name and selecting it when it populates
  5. Click SearchSelect the case worker
  6. Select the client from the table by table by clicking anywhere in the row
    1. View basic demographic informationthe Basic Demographics and Other Details widgets
    2. Scroll down and click the tabs to view:
      1. Entries – All entries Entries associated with the client. Click the hyperlinked ID number Load More button to view entry detailsall entries.
        1. Authorizations – Alternate way to view client’s authorizations
        2. Employees – View employees associated with the client
          1. Export entries to a CSV file by clicking the Export button. Click to open and access data in Excel.
          2. Click the hyperlinked ID number to view the punch detail page
          3. View the widgets contained on the Punch Detail page for additional information - Punch Details, Account Details/Service Account, Client Details, Account Details/Funding Account, EVV Details, Reason Codes, and Statements.
          4. Click the tabs to access additional punch information:
            1. Notes - View employee notes on the punch, reason codes, reason code notes, and statements/tasks.
            2. Attachments - View employee attachments on the punch
            3. Events - Log including date/time, subject, description, input type (web portal or mobile app), OS, OS version, app version, and user/system process for all punch activity including EVV method captured, updates, edits, system processes, approvals, rejections, and view.
            4. Verifications - EVV verification data for the punch along with the status of the verification (some require approval)
            5. Map - Visual location of the mobile app punch
        3. Authorizations – Alternate way to view authorizations for the client. Click the Load More button to view all authorizations.
          1. Export authorizations to a CSV file by clicking the Export button. Click to open and access data in Excel.
          2. Select an authorization to view the authorization detail page
          3. View the widgets contained on the Authorization Detail page for additional information - Authorization Details, and Account Details (Auth).
          4. Click the tabs to access additional authorization information:
            1. Entries - View all entries associated with the authorization. Click the hyperlinked ID number to view entry details.
            2. Rate Changes - History of all bill rate changes on the authorization
            3. Notes - View notes created on the authorization
            4. Attachments - View attachments pertaining to the authorization
            5. Events - Log including date/time, subject, description, input type (web portal or mobile app), OS, OS version, app version, and user/system process for all authorization activity including updates, edits, system processes, approvals, rejections, and views.
        4. Employees – View employees associated with the client. Please note: Clicking on the employee line does not open the employee details. However, employers do have access to employee details.
          1. Export employees to a CSV file by clicking the Export button. Click to open and access data in Excel.
        5. Notes (super user must grant access) – View notes regarding the client
        6. Attachments (super user must grant access) – View attachments pertaining to the client
        7. Diagnosis – View client diagnosis information
      2. Client details are read-only, but information can be exported to a CSV file by clicking the Export button on any tab.
      3. Click to open and access data in Excel
        1. diagnosis information


    Available Reports

    • Summary Report - The default and most popular report for case workers which provides authorization and utilization information
    • Care Management Reports
      • Task Result Details Report - Lists all task results
      • Raw Data Dump Report - Allows users to export all Care Management data per client
    • Notes Report
        Notes Report
        • Punch Entry Notes and Canned Statements Report - Hover over the Notes Report submenu tab to view and select the Punch Entry Notes and Canned Statements Report
      • Authorization Run Rate Report
      • Punch Entry Details Report
        • to view notes and tasks for each punch entry
      • Authorization Run Rate Report - Shows actual versus projected budget usage
      • Punch Entry Details Report - View all punch entries for associated clients based on selected filters. Report column options include who created the punch, status, date of service, start and end times, and service code.

      Run a Report

      1. Log in to DCI with personal profile
      2. Click Reports on the main menu
      3. Hover over any of the submenutabs to view associated reports on the flyout menu
      4. Select a report
        1. The Summary Report is the default and most popular report for case workers. It provides authorization and utilization information to help case workers manage their caseload.
      5. Enter desiredcriteria into the filters
        1. Filter options vary by report
      6. Click Search
      7. The records will display in the table below the filters

      Download a ReportReport

      1. Follow the steps to run a report
      2. Click Download to open the download report wizard
        1. Columns tab:
          1. Select all desired columns in Available Columns to download
          2. Click the > single right arrow to add to Selected Columns
          3. Alternatively, click the >> double right arrows to add all Available Columns to Selected Columns.
          4. Click the < single left arrow to remove the column from the Selected Columns
          5. Alternatively, click the << double left arrows to remove all columns from the Selected Columns.
          6. Reorder selected column items by dragging and dropping into the preferred order
      3. Follow the steps to run a report
      4. Click Download to open the download report wizard
        1. Columns tab:
          1. Use the arrows to move items from the available columns to the selected columnsReorder columns as needed by dragging and dropping the item into place
          2. Click Next
        2. Options tab:
          1. Format – Select Click the Format field drop-down to choose the download file format. Choices include Excel, PDF, CSV, and Tab Delimited.
            1. PDFs have a 10-column limitation for report downloads
            2. The summary report Summary Report download is preformatted as a PDF
            3. Excel is the recommended format for the Punch Entry Details Report
          2. If PDF is selected, the Orientation field will become available. Select Portrait or Landscape.
          3. Save as Report Download Preference box – If checked, DCI will save the format and orientation preferences for subsequent downloads.
        3. Click the blue Download button
        4. Click the blue Yes button Download and Yes to confirm
      5. Click the downloaded file to open (located in the Downloads folder)
      6. Enable editing and use data as needed
