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Description: In this topic you will learn about the DCI Mobile App Offline Mode. Offline Mode allows the end user to use the Mobile App on a registered device when the device is not connected to the internet or loses connection while the app is in use. This feature is useful for those who have limited or no cellular or WIFI connections at their service location.

*Please note: Using Mobile App Offline Mode requires an instance level setting change. Please contact your DCI representative if you are interested in using this feature.

Role Required: Employee

Permission Required: N/A


Offline Mode must be used on a registered device. A device is registered automatically the first time the user logs into the mobile app while connected to a cellular network or internet. A user can only have one registered device. If you need to change which device is registered or if you get a connectivity error, please contact your supervisor/employer.

The user is limited in what they can do when their in Offline Mode.

  • The Mobile App will assess the internet connection and automatically switch to offline mode in the event that no connection is found or connection is lost.

    • The user does not need to do anything to switch to Offline Mode.

  • A banner will display across the top of the Mobile App screen when it is in Offline Mode.

  • When in Offline Mode, users are limited to logging in and making real-time punches.

    • Client Transportation is not available in Offline mode.

  • The only tasks you can do in Offline Mode is real-time punching and logging out.

    • Real-time punching includes:

      • Selecting Clock In

      • Completing EVV on an open punch

      • Selecting Clock Out

  • All other tasks are unavailable in Offline Mode.

    • Unavailable tasks will be grayed-out and you will not be able to select them.

    • Information that is usually displayed (such as client name and remaining balance) will be shortened or blank for security reasons.

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How to Use Offline Mode to Clock In

To make a real-time punch in Offline Mode make sure that you are logged onto your personal profile. If you are offline, the gray Offline banner will be displayed above the top of the Dashboard and unavailable features and information will be grayed-out.

  1. Click the blue Clock In button on the Dashboard.
    1. NOTE - The Clock In button will not display if you have an open shift. If you login and you see the blue Continue to Clockout button displayed that means that you did not clock out of your last shift and have to complete that process before you can clock in again.
  2. Complete the Clock In screen.
    1. Client - If you have one Client only, then this field will be automatically filled out for you. If you have more than one Client click on the field and then select your client from the list.
      1. NOTE: The Client Name is shortened in Offline Mode for security purposes. If you have more than one client, then pick the Initial from the list that matches your client's first initial.
      2. For example if you have Mary and John as clients, M and J will display. If you are working with Mary then you would be M from the list.
    2. Service Code - If you have one Service Code only, then this field will be automatically filled out for you. If you have more than one Service Code click on the field and then select your client from the list.
    3. Cost Center - Cost Center will be filled out automatically. There is no action to take here.
  3. Click the Continue button.
  4. Click Confirm Clock In to complete the clock in process.
    1. This screen will display a summary of your clock in, including the authorization remaining balance if enabled.
    2. If something is not correct, click the Left Arrow on the Main Menu to edit the Clock In screen.
    3. NOTE: Client Transportation is not available while in Offline Mode.
  5. You are now clocked in and can log out or close the Mobile App. You will not need the app again until the end of the shift.

How to Use Offline Mode to Clock Out

To make a real-time punch in Offline Mode make sure that you are logged onto your personal profile. If you are offline, the gray Offline banner will be displayed above the top of the Dashboard and unavailable features and information will be grayed-out.

  1. Click the blue Continue to Clockout button and then click Confirm.
  2. Click the Client Verification Method.
    1. There are up to five different verification options: Pin or Password, E-Signature, Picture, Voice and Portal Sign-Off. Depending on your organization, you may or may not have all three options available. We have detailed guides on each method available in the help center. The follow is a brief overview of each method.
    2. Pin or Password
      1. Click PIN or Password.
      2. Hand the device to the client or authorized representative.
      3. The client or authorized representative enters their PIN or Password and hands the device back to you.
        1. NOTE - If the client or authorized representative enters their PIN or Password or Password incorrectly too many times, the PIN or Password option becomes unavailable for this clock out and you must choose another verification method. The amount of times a password can be entered incorrectly is set by your organization. The PIN or password option will be available again for your next shift.
      4. Click Submit.
      5. Click Confirm to validate PIN or password.
    3. E-Signature
      1. Click E-Signature.
      2. Hand the device to the client or authorized representative for them to draw their Signature on the screen.
        1. If they approve their signature click Save.
        2. If they want to try again, click Clear.
          1. They can repeat this as many times as they wish until they are happy with their signature.
        3. Once the signature is saved, click Confirm to validate Signature.
    4. Picture
      1. Click Picture.
      2. The camera on your device will turn on.
      3. Click the Check icon to take the picture.
        1. To retake the picture click the Refresh icon.
        2. To cancel taking a picture click the X icon.
    5. Click Confirm to validate the picture.
    6. Voice
      1. Click Voice
      2. Allow DCI EVV to record audio by clicking While using the app
      3. The Voice Verification window will open
      4. Click the Red button at the bottom of the page to start voice recording
      5. Hand the device to the client and have them speak into the device to record their voice
      6. Click the Red button at the bottom of the page again to stop voice recording
      7. Click the Blue Save text on the Main Menu to validate the voice recording
    7. Portal Signoff
      1. Click Portal Sign Off
      2. Click Confirm
        1. NOTE: If the consumer is not present, willing or able to complete one of the real-time sign off options, then Portal Sign Off may be an option for you. The signoff process is not complete until the Consumer or Consumer Employer representative logs in and signs off on the entry in the DCI web portal.
  3. Add optional notes or attachments.
    1. Once EVV verification has been completed, you are able to add notes and attachments from your visit.
    2. The note functionality works using the keyboard of your mobile device. You can enter notes in DCI the same way that you would type a text message or email on your mobile device. This means that if you have talk-to-text option on your mobile device, you can use the microphone feature to enter your notes by talking.
      1. Entering notes is Optional, follow your organization’s requirements regarding note taking.
    3. Add Attachment is an Optional field that allows you to take a picture and add it to the note. This is optional as well.
  4. Click Confirm Clock Out.

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