Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Log in to DCI

  2. Click Home on the main menu

  3. Click Employees on the submenu

  4. Enter the employee's name in the filter and click Search

  5. Click anywhere in the employee row to open the Employee Details page

  6. Click the Accounts tab

  7. Select the account to be edited or deactivated

  8. Click Actions 

  9. Select Edit Account from the drop-down menu 

  10. Set the EVV Frequency Type:

    1. Clock Out Only

    2. Clock In and Out

    3. Clock In, Out, and Defined Intervals During Shift

      1. Define the intervals in minutes for this option

  11. Click Save andYes to confirm


Creating an EVV location for a client enables the opportunity to associate associates a landline phone with that client's EVV location. While DCI does not have a phone verification service, you each organization can mark a phone number as verified or not verified when creating an EVV location.

  • If a phone is Verified in EVV locationsLocations, the result on the the EVV Call Log will show Successful

  • If a phone is Not Verified in EVV locationsLocations, the result on the the EVV Call Log will showan Unrecognized Number

Add a


Location to an


Existing Profile

  1. Log in to DCI

  2. Click the desired profile type from the submenu

  3. Search and select the profile you wish to add a location to

  4. Click Actions

  5. Click Select New EVV Location from from the drop-down menu 

  6. The Complete the Add New EVV Location form wizard opensType the name of the location in the

    1. EVV Location Name

  7. This should be something
    1. (required) - Should be recognizable by the employee providing services

  8. .
    Select the
    1. EVV Location Type

    from the dropdown field
  9. Either 
    1. (required) - Residential,

  10.  Commercial
    1.  Commercial,

  11. or Public
    1. or Public Space

    Enter the EVV
    1. Address (required) - Enter the EVV Location address

    Enter the optional
    1. Phone Number (optional)

    2. Every active EVV Location for a client must have a unique phone number associated with it, if a phone number is entered

    1. Phone Verified

    1. Click Yes if a phone number has been verified, No if it has not

    1. - Tracking done by the organization

    2. Phone Type (optional)

    Select the optional Phone Type
      1. This list is configurable via Settings > Custom Dropdowns

      2. Examples might include

  12. types such as
      1. Landline, Mobile, Apple, Android, etc.

    Select the optional
    1. Phone Carrier (optional)

      1. This list is configurable via Settings > Custom Dropdowns

      2. Examples might include local carriers or national carriers such as ATT or Verizon

    Enter a 
    1. Begin Date

    , this is
    1.  (required)

  13. The
    1. End

  14. Date is
    1. Date (optional)

      1. If no End Date is selected, the EVV location will always be available.

    1. Status (required) - Active or Inactive

      1. Active: Location will be available when entering a punch

      2. Inactive: Location will be hidden when entering a punch

    Check the
    1. Primary checkbox - Check if this is the location that should auto-populate on

    the New Entry wizard
    1. new punches

      1. Only one location can be primary

  15. Click Save.

    1. The system will verify the EVV Location is a valid address

      1. If it is valid, click Yes to confirm.

    2. If it is not, an error will

  16. be shown
    1. display that reads, “Google Maps does not recognize this Location Address.”

  17. You will need to enter
    1. Enter a valid address to continue.

  18. If it is, select Yes on the confirmation alert window.

  19. To view the EVV Location Details, click the EVV Locations Tab on the Profile Details Pagepage.

*For new client profiles, follow steps 6 six through 15 eight when you get to completing the EVV Location tab of the Add New Client Wizard.

EVV Punches

No action is required on the part of the employer or supervisor for EVV phone. To review punches that were submitted via phone or with EVV:

  1. Log in to DCI

  2. Click Entries on the submenu

  3. To review the details of any punch, click the blue Entry ID in the punch row.

*Please note that EVV Phone will not appear in the EVV Verifications table.

Historical Phone Entries

Historical phone entries require the client or authorized client representative to key in their pin enter a PIN on the landline phone once after the employee has completed the entry and hands you the phone for verification.

Historical phone entries are not EVV compliant and should only be used when necessary. For example, if the landline service was down during the shift or if the employee forgot to clock in and out. These should be exceptions and every effort should be made to ensure an EVV-compliant method is completed at the time of the shift.

There is no action required by the employer or supervisor on historical entries, but you they may want to prompt the employee to use an EVV-compliant method if these occur frequently.


The following are the EVV report options. The EVV Phone Report is going to have has information about Phone EVV.


  1. Log in to DCI

  2. Click Reports in on the main menu

  3. Click EVV Reports on the submenuThe

  4. Click EVV Phone Report on the flyout menu options display all EVV reports, click the EVV Phone Report

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