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Approved Authorization

An optional background process that can automatically approve employee (provider) time entries based on criteria the Agency can set. Examples of criteria include, "Does it put the employee into overtime?", "Does it put the client over the authorization?" and "Did it pass all EVV requirements?"

Auditor Role

The auditor role has the View Only Role. A user with the auditor role can view events and download attachments.


An entry in DCI representing an allotment of units from a funding source to provide a service to a client. An authorization is for one and only one service code and client. Synonymous with "voucher."

Authorization Admin Permission

Complete all tasks within Authorization Module

Authorization Module

Responsible for managing authorizations and client funding accounts. Only accessible by billing or authorization role, as well as super users

Authorization Role

A user with the authorization role has the abilities of a base employee (i.e., view time entries, edit pending entries, enter new punch entries, view news posts, and view online training). In addition, the user can add and edit client (consumer) funding accounts, add, and edit authorizations, and run reports.

Auto Approval

DCI can run a system process to automatically approve employee times based on criteria the Agency sets. If the entry meets the criteria, a consumer or consumer employer rep would not have to approve the entry; DCI would approve the entry instead.

Base User

Basic profile used to make punches, view accounts, entries, schedules, create availability templates, complete profile certification training, and access the messaging module. All new provider and state staff profiles default to a base user.

Business Rule

Business Rules are a way to validate, per service code, specific requirements mandated by a service. Currently, Business Rules can be set for Hourly Service Codes and Hourly Transportation. When a Business Rule is enabled, the system will check that a punch meets the requirements before it can be saved, created, or approved.

Business Rule: Phase 1 - Punch Creation

If a punch fails a Phase 1 Business Rule, you will see an alert when you click Save or Clock Out. Depending on your company’s portal settings, you may not be able to save your punch if it violates a Business Rule.

Business Rule: Phase 2 - After punch creation, before approval

If a punch fails a Phase 2 Business Rule, it will be moved from Unvalidated status to Rejected. You and your supervisor/employer will receive a notification.

Business Rule: Phase 3 - Punch Approval

If a punch fails a Phase 3 Business Rule, it will not be able to be approved. The punch will either need to be rejected or edited to pass the Business Rule.

Canned Statement

A canned question or statement that a company can create and associate with a service code. Activity codes that a provider must choose from when making a punch to provide further clarification as to what they were doing during the punch.

Case Worker

Profile in DCI representing a funding source worker. Users of this type can log into DCI and see authorizations and employee entries. Synonymous with "case manager."

Case Worker Admin Permission

Create/edit caseworker profiles

Certification Requirements

Certification requirements are housed within a certification template (see "Certification Template"). Examples of requirements may be CPR certifications, HIPPA training certification, driver's licenses or others that providers may need to perform certain services.

Certification Templates

Certification templates are containers for certification requirements (see "Certification Requirements"). Templates can be added to services codes. This can prevent providers without specific, valid certifications from punching time against service codes that require certifications.


Individual receiving the services. Synonymous with "consumer."

Client Admin Permission

Create/edit client (consumer) profiles

Client Profile

A profile type that enables consumers to view their schedule and provider entries, and to request services. Consumers can also sign off on entries (EVV) via the web portal using their client profile.

Client Transportation Account

A provider transports a consumer and is reimbursed for the mileage, which is also billable to the consumer's funding source.

Cost Center

Department or other unit within an organization that the consumer/provider/program revenue and expenses should hit.

Cost Center Admin Permission

Create/edit cost centers

Custom Drop Down

Create/edit cost centers

Custom Field Definitions

The Custom Field Definitions module is where custom fields can be added (see "Custom Fields").

Custom Fields

Custom fields are a way to add any additional information required by your company that is not already listed in one of the DCI entities. Examples of information that can be stored in custom fields are mailing addresses, additional email addresses, or other necessary information. They can be added to the following entities: Client Profile, Employee Profile, Funding Source, Authorization, Residential Program, Day Program, Case Worker, Group Service, Parenting Program, Guardian, Vendor, Cost Center, Service Code, Regions, Client Funding Account, Employee Service Account, Client Service Account, and Vendor Service Account.


The dashboard is the first page that shows when any user logs into DCI (web portal, mobile app, and mobile web). The dashboard shows the number of hours the user has worked during the week (broken down by approved, pending, and verified hours), expiring certifications, online training, and news posts.

Employee Admin Permission

Create/edit employee (provider) profiles

Employee Profile

A profile that enables a user to access DCI. Roles and permissions are added to an employee profile based on the user's role in the organization. "Employee" could refer to providers, state staff, and other individuals.

Employee Service Account

Account where a provider is assigned to provide a specified service. This can be consumer or non-consumer specific. Authorizes staff to make a punch for that service.

EVV Call Log

The EVV Call Log is a sub-module within the settings module. The call log shows the date, time, language, account type, cost center, phone number, client name, employee, and result (i.e., "Call Disconnected", "Clock Out Successful", and "Clock In Successful").


EVV FOBS is a sub-module within the settings module. It is a log of FOBs that include the serial number, the consumer's DCI profile ID, the profile type (which will be "client"), the consumer's name, and the cost center that is on the consumer's profile.

EVV Location

The EVV Locations functionality is a way to specify and record approved work locations per Electronic Visit Verification requirements. The EVV Locations drop down menu will appear when providers clock in or out of an hourly service code on the mobile app or on the web portal. The EVV Locations are added via the client (provider) profile.

EVV Phone Prompts

EVV Phone Prompts is a sub-module within the Settings module. It stores each sentence of the message recording for providers who call to clock in and clock out. The prompts themselves have a history log which shows when the prompt was modified, the item that was modified, the language, and who it was changed by.

Funding Source

Programs, such as APD and AMH Behavioral Health, under which services are offered.

Funding Source Admin Permission

Create/edit funding source profiles and service codes

Holiday Schedule

A schedule of holidays observed by the organization and that result in unique payroll entries for a specific provider and/or employee type.
The Agency does not have a holiday pay policy for providers. A blank schedule will be used.

Holiday Schedule Admin Permission

Create/edit holiday schedules

Import Module

The module in DCI where various imports (bulk load) live.

Messaging Module

The module in DCI that controls system and end user generated messages. This module also includes the Notification Engine.

News Posts

News Posts are shown on the DCI Dashboard below the Training subsection of the dashboard. The Agency can use News Posts to relay information to many individuals without having to send individual messages.


Notes can be added to client (consumer), employee (provider) profiles, service accounts, punch entries, payroll entries, and authorizations. Notes regarding consumer dissatisfaction, employee pay, consumer suspension and other information can be stored in notes for future reference.

Open Punch Entry

When a user is clocked in but has not yet clocked out. The punch will have an "Open" status.

Paid Entry

A punch entry that has been processed in a payroll batch and the payroll batch has been reconciled either manually or by system process.

Payroll Batch

A batch of payroll entries based on criteria established by the payroll user for each batch. Processing a payroll batch will produce the payroll data needed to import into the payroll system.

Payroll Entry

Processing a payroll batch will create one payroll entry for each punch entry. If punch entries have a positive amount, the payroll entry will be negative, thereby zeroing out the payroll batch amount.

Payroll Module

The module in DCI that is responsible for the creation and processing of payroll batches. This module processes employee punch entries and creates their associated Payroll entries.

Payroll Team Role

A user with the payroll team role has all the abilities of a base user (i.e., view consumer and provider profiles, view reports, etc.). In addition, the user can create new payroll batches (see "Payroll Batch"), add transactions to an existing payroll batch, remove or split transactions from a payroll batch, merge payroll batches, transmit payroll batches, reconcile payroll batches, and run reports.

Pending Authorization

Pending authorizations have been entered into DCI but have not been approved by State or AAA staff. To make the authorization active and ready to use, the authorization must be approved. Once approved, a provider will be able to successfully clock time against the specified service.

Pending Punch Entry

An entry that has not yet been approved, edited, or rejected. The actions of approving and rejected can only be executed on entries in a pending status. Providers can only edit entries in a pending status.


Allows user to perform a specific task for the entire system. A state employee can be assigned multiple permissions and they have this access for all cost centers.

Processed Punch Entry

A punch entry that has been processed in a payroll batch will have the status of "Processed."

Profile Certification

Certifications, such as CPR or HIPPA certifications, that appear on an employee's (provider's) profile.

Punch Entry

A type of entry representing a time entry by a provider for work that was or is currently being performed. These include both consumer/service code related and non-consumer/service code related entries.


Allows a user to perform a group of tasks for specific Cost Center(s). Users have access to perform several predetermined tasks for one or more cost centers but can only have one role per cost center.

Role Admin Permission

Manage role assignments

Service Code

Service a consumer is receiving with specifications of how it should be provided and billed by the funding source.


Statuses can be active or inactive. Statuses are shown on employee (provider) profiles, client (consumer) profiles, employee service accounts, funding sources, funding accounts, and other entities in DCI. Users will be able to take action on active entities. For example, if an employee service account is active, the provider will be able to see the service in the mobile app and be able to clock in and out for that service. However, if the service is inactive, the provider will not see the service in the mobile app, and they will not be able to clock in or out on the inactive service account.


An employee profile which has been assigned the Supervisor role for a cost center. Manage providers, consumers, service accounts, profile certifications, punches, attendance & absence entries, schedules, notes & attachments.

Supervisor Role

A user with the supervisor role has view only role capabilities (see "View Only Role"). Additionally, the user will be able to edit consumer and provider details, add employee (consumer) service accounts, add, edit, approve, and reject provider punches, add compensating provider punches, add notes and attachments, and run reports.

Training Admin Permission

Manage Certification Requirements and Certification Templates

Unvalidated Punch Entry

A status prior to pending, which occurs for all entries that are subject to Phase 2 Business Rule violations. An entry will remain in this status until the next scheduled Business Rule sweep process completes.

Unverified Punch Entry

An entry created by a state user on behalf of a provider by either editing a pending entry or adding a new entry. The provider must view the unverified punch entry to make sure it is correct, and then select the "Verify" button to move the punch to a "Pending" status.

View Only Role

A user with the view only role will be able to view accounts and account details, employees and providers and their respective details, consumers and consumer details, punches and punch details, notes, attachments, and will be able to run reports.

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