Description: In this topic you will learn how to create a new client profile, view client profiles and make edits and deactivate client profiles.

*Please note: Client profiles added can not be deleted but the status may be changed to inactive when making edits in the form wizard.

Role Required: Superuser

Permission Required: Client Admin

Create Client

  1. Log in to your personal profile
  2. Select Home from the main menu
  3. Select Clients from the submenu
  4. Select the Actions button
  5. Select Add New Client from the actions dropdown
  6. The Add New Client form wizard will open up
  7. Fill out the form wizard, by completing each of the following tabs. Select next to navigate to the next tab.
    1. Basic Demographics
    2. Client Information
    3. EVV Location
    4. Authentication Information
  8. Last the form wizard will display the Review Summary
    1. If changes need to be made select the back button or the tab the information was entered on
  9. Select the Save button to add the new client
  10. Select Yes in the confirmation alert window

*Please note: If the client login is enabled in the client profile, DCI will send a system generated email (sender email address is: to the client email address listed. This email must be validated.

View or Edit or Deactivate Client Profile

  1. Log in to your personal profile
  2. Select Home from the main menu
  3. Select Clients from the submenu
  4. Search for the client by using the filters and select Search
  5. The search results will be displayed below the search box, select the client row by clicking any where in the row
  6. The Client Details page will open up and you can view all details
  7. Select the Actions button
  8. Select Edit Client from the Actions dropdown
  9. View and make edits in the Edit Client form wizard
    1. To deactivate the client profile, change status to Inactive on the basic demographics tab
  10. Select Save to save changes
  11. Select Yes in the confirmation alert window

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