Description: In this topic you will learn about DCI Business Rules and how to enable them. Business Rules are a way to validate, per service code, specific requirements mandated by that particular service. Currently, Business Rules can be set for Hourly Service Codes and Client Transportation and are enabled at the Service Code level. There are many different hard coded Business Rules in the system, which can be enabled to meet the needs of your program. Some business rules contain parameters that allow an admin to input specific criteria for how the business rule should work. This guide will teach you how to enable business rules and how business rules work.

Role Required: Superuser

Permission Required: N/A

Enable Business Rules

  1. Log in to DCI with your personal profile

  2. Select Settings from the main menu

  3. Select Funding Sources from the submenu

    1. View all Funding Sources listed below the search box

    2. Search for a Funding Source in the search box

    3. Select Search and view the search results below the search box

    4. Select the row of the Funding Source to view or edit by clicking anywhere in the row

  4. The Funding Source Details page will open up, view funding source details

    1. Scroll down on the details screen to ensure the Service Code tab is selected

    2. Use the search criteria below Funding Source Details to find the Service Code that you wish to add Defaults for or scroll down to locate

    3. Click anywhere in the row to open Service Code Details screen

  5. Scroll down on the Service Code Details screen and click the Business Rules tab to display the Business Rule table

  6. Click on the Business Rule you would like to enable to open the Business Rule Details screen

  7. Click Actions

  8. Click Edit Business Rule

  9. Click the Enable Checkbox

  10. Enter Parameters (optional depending on Business Rule)

  11. Click Save

  12. Click Yes to Confirm that you want to enable the business rule

The enable column on the Business Rule table will now be updated to Yes. This table shows all business rules and their Enabled status, as well as, Phase and Parameter details.

Disable Business Rules

  1. Log in to DCI with your personal profile

  2. Select Settings from the main menu

  3. Select Funding Sources from the submenu

    1. View all Funding Sources listed below the search box

    2. Search for a Funding Source in the search box

    3. Select Search and view the search results below the search box

    4. Select the row of the Funding Source to view or edit by clicking anywhere in the row

  4. The Funding Source Details page will open up, view funding source details

    1. Scroll down on the details screen to ensure the Service Code tab is selected

    2. Use the search criteria below Funding Source Details to find the Service Code that you wish to add Defaults for or scroll down to locate

    3. Click anywhere in the row to open Service Code Details screen

  5. Scroll down on the Service Code Details screen and click the Business Rules tab to display the Business Rule table

  6. Click on the Business Rule you would like to enable to open the Business Rule Details screen

  7. Click Actions

  8. Click Edit Business Rule

  9. Click the Enable Checkbox to deselect the check box. Once the enable checkbox is deselected, the business rule will be disabled once saved.

  10. Click Save

  11. Click Yes to Confirm that you want to enable the business rule

Business Rule Details

Each business rule contains the following:

Phase Detail

Phase informs you when the system will check for the business rule

When a Phase is Triggered

Parameter Setting

Parameters are integers or decimals specific to the functionality of that particular Business Rule. Not all Business Rules require parameters. Only Business Rules that require parameters will allow a user to enter text into the parameter field. Parameters fall into one of the following categories: None, Mode, ServiceCodeID, GroupID, Max# and Max Hours

Parameter Setting - None

Parameter Setting - Mode

Mode only applies to authorization related business rules.

Parameter Setting – ServiceCodeID

This is the Service Code ID the system will use with the Business Rule is enabled. The IDs are located in the Service Code Report.

Access the report:

  1. Sign in to your Personal Profile

  2. Click the Reports tab on the main menu

  3. Hover over Settings Report on the submenu the click Service Code Report on the flyout menu

  4. Filter the search by entering the Funding Source where that service code is located in the search bar then select Search

  5. Find the Service Code you wish to enable the Business Rule for and in the column directly to the left you will see Service Code ID

  6. Enter this number into the parameter for the Business Rule you are enabling

An example of this is the Duplicate and Overlapping Employee Punch business rule. When a service code ID is entered in the parameter field, employee punches against this service code can overlap with punches against the service code in the parameter field.

You can enter one or two service codes. If more service codes should be specified, use the corresponding Service Code Group Business Rule.

Parameter Setting – GroupID

This is the Group ID the system will use with the Business Rule is enabled. The IDs are located in the Service Code Group Report.

Access the report:

  1. Sign in to your Personal Profile

  2. Click the Reports tab on the main menu

  3. Hover over Settings Report on the submenu the click Service Code Group Report on the flyout menu

  4. Filter the search by entering the Funding Source where that service code is located in the search bar then select Search

  5. Find the Service Code you wish to enable the Business Rule for and in the column directly to the left you will see Group ID

  6. Enter this number into the parameter for the Business Rule you are enabling

An example of this is the Duplicate and Overlapping Client Punch business rule. When a service code ID is entered in the parameter field, client punches made against this service code will be allowed to overlap with client punches made against any of the service codes from the GroupID listed in the parameter.

Parameter Setting – Max#

This business rule will enable you to set a max number where something can occur, i.e. max days.

Parameter Setting – MaxHours

This business rule will enable you to set a max number of hours and be set for specific scenarios including:

These are just some examples. A complete list of Business Rules is available for download in our help center.

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