Description: In this topic the user will learn how to set up and manage IVR Prompts

Role Required: Super User

Modified Role: Supervisor and Employer have access to some, but not all of this functionality. The system administrator should be the point person for phone prompt changes.

Permission Required: Funding Source Admin, Client Admin, Report Admin

Managing Prompts   

DCI comes with standard phone prompts. During the implementation process, a DCI implementation specialist may configure those prompts per the organization's requirements. Check with the system administrator prior to making any changes to IVR Phone Prompts. 

Prompts & Examples

To edit the IVR prompts (read by a computer-generated voice)

  1. Login to DCI
  2. Click Settings on the main menu
  3. Click EVV on the submenu
  4. Select EVV IVR Prompts on the flyout menu
  5. Select a prompt to manage by clicking on the row
  6. Click Actions
  7. Select Edit IVR Prompt from the drop-down
    1. If multi language is enabled, the prompt will be visible in multiple languages
  8. Edit the English language prompt as needed
  9. If multi language is enabled, click Translate on all other languages
  10. Click Save and Yes to confirm

To add an attachment to the prompts

A voice recording attachment, such as an mp3 file, can be added to the voice prompt. Users will hear a human voice as opposed to the default, computer-generated voice.

  1. Login to DCI
  2. Click Settings on the main menu
  3. Click EVV on the submenu
  4. Select EVV IVR Prompts on the flyout menu
  5. Select a prompt to manage by clicking on the row
  6. Click Actions
  7. Select Edit IVR Prompt from the drop-down
  8. Click Add Attachment
  9. Locate the file. File format must be .mp3.
  10. Click Open - A status bar displays the progress of attaching the audio file
  11. When complete, click Save and Yes to confirm

To listen to the prompts

  1. Login to DCI
  2. Click Settings on the main menu
  3. Click EVV on the submenu
  4. Select EVV IVR Prompts on the flyout menu
  5. Select a prompt to manage by clicking on the row
  6. Click Actions
  7. Select Edit IVR Prompt from the drop-down
  8. If the prompt has an audio file attachment, an attachment and a mini audio player will be visible.
  9. Click the play button to listen to the prompt

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