Purpose: This guide provides step-by-step instructions for providers or consumers to add or change their PIN (Personal Identification Number) in OR PTC DCI.
*A new PIN can be added when a provider or consumer is new to the system and would like to use a PIN for logging into the mobile app, clocking in on a landline, or verifying time at sign off.
*A change in PIN is when the user already has a PIN and would like to change the 4-digit PIN to a new number.
Note: Any time an authentication reset is done, the PIN must be updated.
Outcome: Consumer or provider will be able to add or change their PIN to use when logging into the OR PTC DCI mobile app or landline.

Describe when someone would need this information. For example "when connecting to wi-fi for the first time".

Step-by-step guide

Steps to complete process:




Log into OR PTC DCI with your username and password.




Steps to add a PIN:

From the home page, click on your username in the top right corner of the page.

Click ‘Settings’





Click ‘ADD NEW PIN’.

Enter a 4-digit PIN.

Re-enter the same 4-digit PIN.

Click ‘Add New Pin’.



An Alert will display

“Are you sure you want to add new pin?”

Click ‘Yes’.

A green bar will display,

‘Pin Added Successfully!’.






Steps to change a PIN:

Follow Step 1 through 3 above, then.

Click on ‘CHANGE PIN’.

Enter your password.

Click ‘Verify’.







Enter a new 4-digit PIN.

Re-enter the same new 4-digit PIN.

Click ‘Change Pin’.

An Alert will display

“Are you sure you want to add a new pin?”

Click ‘Yes’.

A green bar will display,

‘Pin Changed Successfully!’.

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