Description: In this topic, the user will learn the workflow for punches requiring electronic visit verification. EVV is now required by most funding sources for services to be paid. There are multiple methods to complete EVV.

Role Required: Client/Guardian

Permission Required: N/A

Key Points for Punches Requiring EVV

Mobile App

  1. The employee logs in to the mobile app

  2. After confirming clock in, depending on the EVV frequency set on the service account, the employee may see Clock In Verification required. There are six verification options. Not all options may be enabled. Please contact the organization for specifics.

    1. If the pin or password is entered incorrectly multiple times, it becomes unavailable for this clock out and another verification method must be selected. The pin or password option will be available again for the next shift.

    1. PIN or Password - The employee hands the mobile device to the client who enters their pin or password

    2. E-Signature - The employee hands the mobile device to the client or authorized representative who uses their finger to draw their signature. This will be reviewed by the program supervisor and compared to the client's signature on file.

    3. Picture - The employee takes a picture of the client. If facial recognition is enabled, the system will compare the picture to the picture saved on the client profile. Otherwise, the picture taken will be reviewed by the program supervisor and compared to the client's picture on file.

    4. FOB - The employee records the token (six-digit code) from the fob

    5. Voice - The client provides a voice recording on the employee's mobile device

    6. Portal Signoff - The client or authorized representative logs in to the web portal and signs off on the entry

  3. After capturing EVV (if required by the EVV frequency set on the service account) the employee will finish clocking in

  4. At the end of the shift the employee will clock out

  5. After confirming clock out, the client will need to complete EVV again (if determined by the EVV frequency set on the service account).

  6. The employee saves the punch

  7. The punch will now be reviewed by the supervisor/employer. Punch EVV details can be viewed by logging in with a personal profile and clicking Entries on the submenu. Click any blue entry ID hyperlink to open the punch details page.

Portal/Mobile Web

If a punch is entered after the shift rather than using real-time via mobile app, the client or guardian must review the punch and provide sign off after it is created. To complete Client Portal Sign Off:

  1. Log in to the web portal

  2. Click Entries Requiring Sign Off on the submenu

    1. Check the box in the punch row and click S to sign off or R to reject

    2. Click Yes to confirm

    3. Take action on multiple entries at once by clicking checkboxes for applicable punches or click the blue Select All button


No action is required on the part of the client or guardian for EVV phone or EVV FOB, except for historical phone entries. Historical phone entries require the client or authorized client representative to enter their pin on the landline phone after the employee has completed the entry. Historical phone entries are not EVV-compliant and should only be used when absolutely necessary (i.e., landline service was down during the shift). These should be exceptions and every effort should be made to ensure an EVV-compliant method is used at the time of service.

  1. Log in to the web portal

  2. Click Entries Requiring Sign Off on the submenu

    1. Check the box in the punch row and click S to sign off or R to reject

    2. Click Yes to confirm

    3. Take action on multiple entries at once by clicking checkboxes for applicable punches or click the blue Select All button

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