Description: In this topic you will learn how to add and manage fobs. Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)  fob is an option for clients who live in regions that have little or no access to the internet and have no access to phone lines. This option allows the client to receive service while meeting the standards for electronic visit verification. EVV fob is used for employees to clock in/out for hourly, Residential Programs, Day Programs and Parenting Programs.

Role Required: Super User, Supervisor

Permission Required: N/A

Managing Fobs 

Please check in with your System Administrator prior to making any changes to EVV Fobs.

Add a Fob to an Existing Client 

  1. Log in to your personal profile

  2. Click Home from the main menu

  3. Click Clients from the submenu

  4. Click the Actions button

  5. Click Add New Fob button to open the form wizard

    1. Ensure the client's name that populates is the correct client

  6. Enter the serial number from the back of the fob into the field FOB Serial Number

  7. Touch the button on the front of the fob to generate a code and enter it into the Code field 

  8. Click Save then select Yes on the confirmation window

Manage a Fob for an Existing Client

  1. Log in to your personal profile

  2. Click Home from the main menu

  3. Click Clients from the submenu

  4. Click the Actions button

  5. Click Manage Fob from the menu 

  6.  Verify the serial number is correct then touch the button on the front of the fob to generate a code

  7. Enter the one time code into the Code field

    1. Note – this is a unique code that will change every time the button is pressed 

  8. Click Save then select Yes on the confirmation window

Remove a Fob from an Existing Client

  1. Log in to your personal profile

  2. Click Home from the main menu

  3. Click Clients from the submenu

  4. Click the Actions button

  5. Click Remove Fob from the menu 

  6. Click Save then select Yes on the confirmation window

View all Clients that are Assigned a Fob in your Database

  1. Login to a profile with the appropriate role and/or permission via the DCI website

  2. Click Settings from the main menu then EVV from the sub menu top open the flyout menu

  3. Click EVV FOBS from the flyout menu

You will find the following information:

Filter by:

EVV Fob Service Code

*Once the EVV Fob method has been approved by your supervisor for a particular client and/or service, proceed with the steps below. 

Service Code with EVV

Create a new service code with EVV. Enabling EVV will enable EVV on a service code will enable it for Fob EVV. There is no setting Fob EVV prompt to select.

  1. Login to a profile with the appropriate role and/or permission via the DCI website

  2. Click Settings from the main menu then Funding Sources from the sub menu

  3. Choose the Funding Source where you would like to create a new Service Code for 

  4. Click Actions

  5. Click New Service Code

  6. To enable EVV:

    1. Fill out all required fields per usual

    2. For EVV Required click Yes

  7. Click Save then select Yes on the confirmation window 

Edit an Existing Service Code to comply with EVV

  1. Login to a profile with the appropriate role and/or permission via the DCI website

  2. Click Settings from the main menu then Funding Sources from the sub menu

  3. Choose the Funding Source where you would like to edit the Service Code for 

  4. Scroll down and click on the service code you with to edit to open the Service Code Details screen

  5. Click Actions then click Edit Service Code

  6. Verify the toggle button next to EVV Required is set to Yes

  7. Click Save then click Yes on the confirmation window 

The supervisor will set the EVV frequency on the Service Account. EVV Location will be required at Clock Out or Clock In/Out, depending on EVV frequency setting. EVV Location will not be required at interval check-ins.

EVV Service Account

Create a new EVV Client Service Account

  1. Sign into your Personal Profile

  2. Click Home on the main menu

  3. Click Clients on the submenu

  4. Search for the client by typing their name in search filters and selecting the name when it comes up

  5. Click Search

  6. Select the client from the table by clicking anywhere in the row

    1. This will open up the Client Details page

  7. Click Actions button

  8. Click New Service Account from the actions dropdown

  9. Fill out the form wizard as usual

  10. Next, set the EVV Frequency Type. This can be set to 

    1. Clock Out Only

    2. Clock In and Out

    3. Clock In, Out and Defined Intervals During Shift

      1. If you select this option you will also have to define the intervals in minutes

  11. Click Save then select Yes on the confirmation window 

Edit an existing Client Service Account to comply with EVV

  1. Log in to DCI with your personal profile

  2. Select Home from the main menu

  3. Select Clients tab from the submenu

  4. Search for the client by entering the name and using the filters, then select the Search button

  5. The search results will update in the table below the search box

  6. Click anywhere in the client row to open up the Client Details page

  7. Select the Accounts tab located below the details window

  8. Select the account that needs to be deactivated or edited

  9. Select the Actions button

  10. Select Edit Account from the actions dropdown

  11. Next, set the EVV Frequency Type. This can be set to 

    1. Clock Out Only

    2. Clock In and Out

    3. Clock In, Out and Defined Intervals During Shift

      1. If you select this option you will also have to define the intervals in minutes

  12. Click Save then select Yes on the confirmation window 

EVV Punches

View a Punch

  1. Sign in to your Personal Profile

  2. Click Home on the main menu

  3. Click Entries on the submenu

  4. Use the filters to search for specific punches and select Search

  5. The Entries table will display all punches or will be updated with the search criteria

  6. Open the punch by clicking anywhere in the punch entry row

  7. The Punch Details page will display for your review

  8. Clock In and Clock Out EVV Locations are listed in the EVV Details box on the Punch Details Page in the EVV details section 

Approve or Reject a Punch

  1. Sign into your Personal Profile

  2. Click Home on the main menu

  3. Click Pending Entries on the submenu

  4. Use the filters to Search for a punch or group of punches and select the Search button

    1. The Entries table will update with the results based on the filter criteria entered

  5. In the Entries table below the search box, locate the punch to take action on

    1. Click the A in the entry row to approve the punch

      1. Click Yes in the confirmation alert window

    2. Click the red R in the entry row to reject the punch

      1. Click Yes in the confirmation alert window

    3. Click anywhere in the entry row to view the Punch Detail page

Edit a Punch

  1. Login to a profile with the appropriate role and/or permission via the DCI website

  2. Click Pending Entries from the sub menu 

  3. Below the search box, in the entries table, click anywhere in the punch row of the punch you want to edit

    1. Optionally use the filters to search for punch and click Search, the table will update based on the filters entered

    2. Please note: Edits can only be made a punch in a pending status

  4. View the punch details on the Punch Details Page

  5. Click Actions button

  6. Click Edit Entry from the actions dropdown

  7. Make the necessary changes to the Edit Entry form wizard

    1. If your organization requires a Reason Code when editing a punch, click on the Blue Plus (+) Sign button next to the Reason field

    2. Select a reason from the Add Reason Codes drop down that best describes why you need to make the edit

    3. Some Reason Codes require a text explanation. If you select a Reason Code with this requirement, a text box will appear and it is required to enter text before saving.

    4. Click the Blue Plus (+) Sign next to the Add Reason Codes drop down to add your selection to the Added Reason Codes box

  8. Click Save

  9. Click Yes on the confirmation alert window

  10. The original punch status has changed to rejected, view the details on the Punch Details page

  11. A new punch with the corrections has been generated and is in a pending status

    1. The new punch will have a Ref. Entry # listed and links it to the original punch

  12. To view the original and new punch, select Entries on the submenu

  13. Both punches are listed in the Entries table below the search box

EVV Reports

The following are the EVV report options. The Fob Report is going to have information about Fob EVV.

Access EVV Phone Report

  1. Login to a profile with the appropriate role and/or permission via the DCI website

  2. Click Reports in the main menu then EVV Reports on the sub menu

  3. The flyout menu options displaying all EVV reports, click the Fob Report.

EVV Fob Imports

Fobs can be imported into DCI. To learn about how to do imports, see the “Admin Guide - Import Module” in the DCI Help Center.

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