The DCI maintenance release for the web portal will occur on the morning of Wednesday, March 1, 2023. This release will require the DCI web portal to be unavailable for all users on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 from 1:30 AM to 3:30 AM EST. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

There is no mobile app update required for this release.

This release includes:

Punch Entries Details Page Enhancements

The punch entries details page provides important details, data elements, notes, attachments, etc. for each punch entry. The punch entries details page is located by clicking Home on the main menu and Entries on the submenu for clients and employees (base users). All other users (with appropriate access) must navigate to the specific client or employee details page, click the Entries Tab, and select the entry. Additionally, supervisors, employers, and super users can view the punch entry details by selecting the entry on the Pending Entries page.

*Previously - The punch entries details page for hourly entries included check in time, check out time, hours, and amount (in unit type).

*New - The punch entries detail page now includes the rounded amount for hourly entries. DCI uses the rounded amount and coverts it to billing units, i.e., in this screenshot, the service code rounding type is Round and the rounding increment is 15. Therefore the amount value rounds to the nearest 15 minutes. This service code has a billing unit of hourly and a billing multiplier of quarter hourly (15 minutes), so the system will use this Rounded Amount (2.25 hours) to arrive at 9 billing units.

Rounding increment and rounding type are set on the service code under billing details. If the rounding increment is set to None the rounded amount would be equal to the amount. If the funding type selected is dollars (FI mode only) or the billing unit type selected is anything other than hourly (i.e., daily, monthly, miles, dollars) the rounded amount field will display N/A.

The rounding increment is required for hourly entries and can be selected in 15 min increments. The rounding increment can be set to any of the following:

The rounding type will define how the entry will be rounded and is required if the rounding increment is 15, 30, or 60.

To edit billing details, including rounding increment and rounding type on the service codes, view the help center articles Service Codes - Create, View, Edit, or Deactivate and System Set-Up - Admin Guide.

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