Description: In this topic, the user will learn how to create, view, edit, or deactivate a cost center.

Role Required: Super User

Permission Required: Cost Center Admin

Create Cost Center

  1. Log in to DCI
  2. Click Home on the main menu
  3. Click Cost Centers on the submenu
  4. Click Actions
  5. Select Add New Cost Center and complete the form wizard
    1. Cost Center Name (required): Generic cost center name recognizable by most users
    2. Cost Center Code (required): Accounting code
    3. Select State (required): State of the cost center
    4. **Cost Center Reference (optional)
    5. **Cost Center Reference 2 (optional)
    6. Certification Template (optional): Select if there are a set of certification requirements specific to the cost center
  6. Status (required): Defaults to active. Switch to inactive when this is no longer a valid cost center.
  7. Click Save to continue and Yes to confirm

View, Edit, or Deactivate Cost Center

  1. Log in to DCI
  2. Click Home on the main menu
  3. Click Cost Centers on the submenu
  4. Enter the cost center in the filter and click Search 
  5. Click anywhere in the cost center row to open the Cost Center Details page
  6. Click Actions
  7. Select Edit Cost Center from the drop-down menu
  8. View and make edits in the Cost Center form wizard
    1. To deactivate the cost center, change the status to Inactive.
  9. Click Save and Yes to confirm