Description: In this topic, the user will learn how to edit a punch. Edits can be made to a punch if the punch is in a pending status. Edits cannot be made to a Residential Program, Day Program, or an Approved punch. If an edit needs to be made to one of these punches, please contact a supervisor.

Role Required: Employee (base user)

Permission Required: N/A

  1. Log in to DCI

  2. Click Home on the main menu

  3. Click Entries on the submenu

  4. Search for the entry by using the search filters and click Search

  5. Click on the entry in the table

  6. Click Actions

  7. Click Edit Entry in the drop-down menu

  8. Edit fields as needed in the Edit Entry form wizard

  9. Click Save and Yes to confirm

  10. The original punch status changes to Rejected

  11. A new punch with the updates is generated and is in Pending status

    1. The new punch will have a Ref. Entry # listed which links it to the original punch

  12. To view the original and new punch, select Entries on the submenu.

  13. Both punches are listed in the Entries table below the search box