Purpose: Step-by-step instructions for how to correct a punch entry that is in an approved status whether the provider is able to update the entry or not.

Outcome: Staff will be able to assist a provider in correcting a punch entry in an approved status in OR PTC DCI.

Staff-Correcting a Punch Entry in Approved Status.pdf

Provider is Able to Update Entry

An entry in an Approved status may need to be changed, due to a provider, consumer, or consumer employer representative calling to say an entry was made incorrectly, due to a staff member otherwise being made aware of a mistake, or as part of the over/underpayment process. A provider cannot update an entry in approved status without Local Office assistance.

Scenario 1: The entry is in Approved status and the provider is able to create a historical entry.

  1. Click the Employees tab.

  2. Search for the provider (via the name or Uni ID number).

  3. Click on the provider’s profile.

  4. From the Employee Details page, go to Entries in the middle of the screen.

  5. Locate the punch entry in Approved status that will be updated and click into the punch entry.

  6. From the Punch Detail page, click Actions.

  7. Click Cancel Entry.

  8. Click on blue plus sign.

  9. Add Reason Code “State-Other-StateO,” enter note in notes field.

  10. Click the blue plus sign to save reason.

  11. Click Save. An Alert will display, “Are you sure you want to cancel the existing punch for..,” click Yes.

  12. Notify the provider the entry is cancelled, and they must enter a historical entry for the correct time and date.

  13. Provider logs into the OR PTC DCI Web Portal and enters a historical entry.

  14. The new punch entry now goes through the auto-approval process and is worked as part of regular business processes.

Scenario 2: Entry is in Approved status and the Provider IS NOT able to create a historical entry.

  1. Click the Employees tab.

  2. Search for the provider (via the name or Uni ID number).

  3. Click on the provider’s profile.

  4. From the Employee Details page, go to Entries in the middle of the screen.

  5. Locate the punch entry in Approved status that will be updated and click into the punch entry.

  6. From the Punch Detail page, click Actions.

  7. Click Edit Entry.

  8. Edit the entry with the correct punch details including:

    1. Service Date of punch entry

    2. Check In and Check Out time of punch entry

  9. Select Portal Signoff as the EVV Method.

  10. Click on blue plus sign.

  11. Add Reason Code “State-Other-StateO,” enter note in notes field.

  12. Click the blue plus sign to save the reason.

  13. Click Save. An Alert will display, “Are you sure you want to cancel the existing punch for...,” click Yes.

  14. The new punch entry now goes through the auto-approval process and is worked as part of regular business processes.