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  1. Payroll Module - Admin Guide.pdf

    Proprietary: For DCI and Customer Use Only 1 rev. 04/19/2023 Payroll Module - Admin Guide Description: In this guide, the user will learn about the payroll module. Roles Required: Super User, Payroll Permissions Required: N/A Contents Overview
  2. Payroll Module - Admin Guide

    Description: In this guide, the user will learn about the Payroll Module. Roles Required: Super User, Payroll Team Permissions Required:  N/A Contents: Overview  The payroll module allows users with the payroll role to review, batch, process, approve and reconcile entries for payroll purposes. The system
    Direct Care InnovationsFeb 05, 2024
  3. Payroll Batch Validations

    Description: In this topic, the user will learn about payroll batch validations and the process when an employee accumulates net-negative hours in one payroll batch, owing the company money. This may occur if an employee overpunched on a previous pay period and the company had to correct the error in a later payroll
    Direct Care InnovationsJul 27, 2023
  4. Reconcile Payroll Batches

    Description: In this topic, the user will learn how to reconcile payroll batches after the employee has been paid. This helps track which entries have been paid. Additionally, it is necessary to reconcile dollar-based entries in a payroll batch in order to give a billable amount to the entry. Role Required: Super
    Direct Care InnovationsJul 13, 2023
  5. Payroll Batch Automation

    Description: In this topic, the user will learn about payroll batch automation. The batch automation process includes the steps Validate, Process, and Approve. Click the green Validate or Process button to start the process and be prompted for a payroll batch automation decision. See alert screenshots below. *Please
    Direct Care InnovationsOct 18, 2023
  6. Payroll Exception Batches

    Description: In this topic, the user will learn about payroll exception batches. Payroll validations are run after the green Validate button is clicked on a pending payroll batch. Negative paycheck validation can be enabled, which will check for negative paychecks. This checks for a net negative number of hours
    Direct Care InnovationsJun 01, 2023
  7. What is a payroll entry?

    A payroll entry is generated as a debit entry that will be deducted from the system when a time entry is approved, and payroll is processed. Payroll entries that have been batched and processed can be used to create payroll files for the organization, which can be used to create paychecks. Related articles Related
    Direct Care InnovationsOct 18, 2023
  8. Where does the cost center on a payroll entry come from?

    The cost center on a payroll entry comes from the service account. To enter time in DCI, the employee must have a service account linking them to the client or program. When the employee enters time, payroll and billing entries are created which are linked to the cost center information in the service account
    Direct Care InnovationsOct 18, 2023
  9. Why did one punch entry result in more than one payroll entry?

    A punch entry could result in more than one payroll entry if it was edited or previously paid. These scenarios could lead to the creation of a compensating entry, which is an additional entry that compensates for the change that was made to the original entry (e.g., edit or cancel). Related articles Related articles
    Direct Care InnovationsOct 18, 2023
  10. How do I use the wildcard feature (*) in the cost center filter for the reports module and billing/payroll batches?

    The wildcard symbol is an asterisk (*) and represents any number of unknown characters for cost center filters in payroll and billing batches and reports in the reports module. Use the wildcard feature to search for cost centers for which you have only partial names Use the wildcard feature to view results
    Direct Care InnovationsOct 03, 2023