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Description:  In this guide, the user will learn how to run and download reports, understand the filters available for searching, and the available column data in each report.

*Please note: Report access differs by mode. In service provider (SP mode) the user will have access to all reports based on the assigned role. In fiscal intermediary (FI mode) the user will have access to reports based on the assigned role and cost center. The employer and case worker roles can only view a limited subset of reports to maintain HIPAA compliance. Report access is dependent upon role or permission.

Roles Required: Super User, Supervisor, Employer, Case Worker 

Permissions Required: N/A

Table of Contents

Run and Download Reports

*Please note: The employer and case manager roles can only view a limited subset of reports to maintain HIPAA compliance.

  1. Log in to DCI
  2. Click Reports on the main menu
  3. Select (hover over) the submenu to view the associated reports listed in the flyout menu
    1. For example, select (hover over) COA Reports on the submenu to open the flyout menu which will display all associated reports.
  4. Select the report to run from the flyout menu
  5. Enter desired criteria into the filters (i.e., filter by time frame, specific client, employee, service code, cost center, etc.)
  6. Click the Search button
    1. The records will display in the table below the filters
  7. Click the Download button
    1. Select the column(s) to be displayed on the report
    2. Select the Right Triangle button to add a column to the Selected Columns
    3. Select the Double Right Triangle >> button to add all columns to the Selected Columns
    4. Select the Left Triangle button to remove the column from the Selected Columns
    5. Select the Double Left Triangle << button to remove all columns from the Selected Columns
  8. Click Next
  9. Select the format to download the report by clicking the Format drop-down
    1. Formats: Excel, PDF, CSV, Tab delimited
      1. PDFs have a 10-column limitation for report downloads
    2. Select the layout for the report download in the Layout drop-down
      1. Layouts: Portrait or Landscape
      2. Layout is only available when PDF format is selected
    3. Select Download to download the report
      1. Optional - click the Save as Report Preference Checkbox to save this report preference in the future
    4. Select Yes in the confirmation alert window


Reports can be filtered based on desired criteria. Filter options vary based on the selected report. Please refer to the list below for a description of each filter.

  • From: Enter the earliest date of service desired. If left blank, results will include all results from the beginning of time.
  • To: Enter the latest date of service desired. If left blank, results will include all results up to the current date.
  • Select Account Type: Filter results to one type of service account. Depending on the report type, choices include:
    • Client Service
    • Employee Service
    • Training
    • Hourly
    • Day Program
    • Residential Program
    • Administration
    • Drive
    • Vacation
    • Sick
    • PTO
    • Holiday
    • Mileage
    • Group Service
    • Parenting Program
    • Client Transportation
  • Type Client Name: Filter results to one client
  • Type Employee Name: Filter results to one employee
  • Type Service Code: Filter results to one service code
  • Type Cost Center: Filter results to one Cost Center. The user can also use a wildcard in the Cost Center filter to pull results for a group of cost centers
    • For example, typing OR* will include punch entries for all Cost Centers that start with OR.
  • Select Activity: Filter results to one General Activity. This only applies to punches for Administration service accounts.
  • Select Status (Punch): Filter results based on Punch Status. Choices include:
    • Pending
    • Open
    • Unverified
    • Approved
    • Batched
    • Paid
    • Canceled
    • Rejected
    • Processed
    • Unvalidated
  • Select Status (Account): Filter results based on account Status. Choices include:
    • Active
    • Inactive
  • Select Status (Program Profile): Filter results based on program status. Choices include:
    • Active
    • Inactive
  • Select Status (Employee Profile): Filter results based on employee profile status. Choices Include:
    • Pending
    • Active
    • Terminated
    • Suspended
    • Extended Leave
    • Registered
  • Select Status (Client Profile): Filter results based on client profile status. Choices Include:
    • Active
    • Deceased
    • Inactive
    • Discharged
    • Suspended
  • Select Status (Certification Template): Filter results based on template status. Choices include:
    • Active
    • Inactive
  • Select Status (Certification Requirement): Filter results based on requirement status. Choices include:
    • Active
    • Inactive
  • Select Status (Business Rule): Filter results based on business rule status. Choices include:
    • Enabled
    • Disabled
  • Profile Type: Filter results to one profile type. Choices include:
    • Employee
    • Client
    • Residential Program
    • Day Program
    • Group Service
    • Parenting Program
  • Select Employee Type: Filter results to one employee type. Choices include:
    • Hourly Exempt
    • Hourly Non-Exempt
    • Salary Exempt
    • Salary Non-Exempt
    • Contractor
  • Type City: Filter results to one city
  • Type State: Filter results to one state
  • Employee/Client/Residential Program/Day Program: Filter results to one entity. Filter by an employee, client, residential program, or day program. To use the filter, begin typing the name of the desired entity and select.
  • Select Method (Mileage Punches): Filter results based on how the mileage punch was entered. Choices include:
    • Odometer
    • Geolocation
  • Type Funding Source Name: Filter results to one funding source
  • Cutoff Date: Filter authorizations up to a specific date
  • Future Authorizations: Select the checkbox to include results with a start date in the future
  • Ended Authorizations: Select the checkbox to include results with an end date in the past
  • Discharged Clients Authorizations: Select the checkbox to include results for clients who have been discharged
  • 30 Days (Expiring Within): Include results that expire in the specified window of time. Choices include:
    • 30 Days
    • 60 Days
    • 90 Days
    • 120 Days
  • Enter Batch ID: Include results for a specific Payroll or Billing Batch
  • Punch Entries Checkbox: Include punch entries (in addition to payroll or billing entries) on Payroll or Billing Batch reports
  • Select Unit: Filter results based on billing unit. Choices include:
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Monthly
    • Miles
  • Type Region Name: Filter results based on a specific Funding Source region.
  • Select Association Type: Filter results based on which entity a template is linked to. Choices include:
    • Service Code
    • Profile (includes both Employee and Client Profiles)
    • Cost Center
    • Funding Account
    • Master Program (select for templates linked to Residential, Day, Parenting, or Group Service Programs)
  • Type Requirement Name: Filter results to one Certification Requirement
  • Subject: Filter Login Report results based on the event type
  • Added By: Filter results based on which user completed the action

COA Reports

Auto Approval Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Auto Approval Report

Purpose: View the results of all punches that the system attempted to auto approve.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Date From

·         Entry ID

·         Date To

·         Date of Service

·         Account Type

·         Account Type

·         Client Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Number

·         Service Code

·         Client/Program Name

·         Cost Center

·         Account Reference

·         Status

·         Cost Center

·         Auto Approval Result

·         Service Code

·         Failure Reason

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Amount

·         EVV

·         Status

·         Auto Approval Result

·         Auto Approval Failure Reason

·         Created By

·         Created Date

·         Input Method

Punch Entries Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Punch Entries Report

Purpose: View all punch entries made in the system based on desired filters.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Date From

·         Punch ID

·         Date To

·         Pay Week

·         Account Type

·         Date of Service

·         Client Name

·         Account Type

·         Employee Name

·         General Activity

·         Service Code

·         Employee/Vendor Name

·         Cost Center

·         Employee Number

·         Activity

·         Client/Residential/Day Program Name

·         Status

·         Account Reference

·         Entry Type

·         Cost Center

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Hours

·         Amount

·         EVV

·         EVV Method

·         Status

·         Entry Type

·         Pay Rate

·         Pay Rate Name

Punch Entry Details Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Punch Entry Details Report

Purpose: View all punch entries made in the system based on desired filters. Also view who and when created the punch and approved or rejected the punch.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Date From

·         Punch ID

·         Date To

·         Pay Week

·         Account Type

·         Reference Punch ID

·         Client Name

·         Date of Service

·         Employee Name

·         Account Type

·         Service Code

·         Vehicle Type

·         Cost Center

·         General Activity

·         Activity

·         Employee/Vendor Name

·         Status

·         Employee Number

·         Payroll Batch Name

·         Client/Residential/Day Program Name

·         Payroll Batch Id

·         Employee Time Zone

·         Entry Type

·         Client/Program Time Zone

·         Include Canceled and Rejected Punches

·         Account Reference

·         Include Only Unbatched Punches

·         Cost Center

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Hours

·         Amount

·         Billable Amount

·         Rounded Amount

·         Employer Burden Rate

·         Employer Cost

·         EVV

·         EVV Method

·         Status

·         Created By

·         Created Date

·         Created IP Address

·         Approved/Rejected By

·         Approved/Rejected Date

·         Approved IP Address

·         Input Method Type

·         Payroll Batch Name

·         Payroll Batch ID

·         Entry Type

·         Pay Rate

·         Pay Rate Name

·         EVV Compliant

·         Flags

·         Reason Code Name 1

·         Reason Code 1

·         Free Text Note 1

Service Accounts Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Service Accounts Report

Purpose: View all service accounts in system.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Profile Type

·         Account Type

·         Employee/Client/Residential/Day Program/Vendor

·         Account ID

·         Cost Center

·         Employee/Residential/Day Program Name/Vendor

·         Service Code

·         Employee Number/Client ID

·         Account Type

·         Cost Center

·         Status

·         Pay Rate

·         Service Code

·         Client/Residential/Day Program

·         Client ID

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Account Reference

·         Status

·         Relationship Type

·         EVV Exempt

·         EVV Frequency

·         Display Auth Widget

Residential Attendance Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Residential Attendance Report

Purpose: Shows attendance each day for clients present at a residential program.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Cost Center Code

·         Residential Name

·         Client Last Name

·         Cost Center

·         Client First Name

·         Client Name

·         Account Reference

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Number of Days

·         Residential Name

·         EVV Location

Residential Absentee Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Residential Absentee Report

Purpose: Shows absences for each day clients at a residential program.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Cost Center Code

·         Residential Name

·         Client Last Name

·         Cost Center

·         Client First Name

·         Client Name

·         Account Reference

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Submitted Check Out

·         Submitted Check In

·         Number of Days

·         Residential Name

·         Reason

·         Notes

Parenting Attendance Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Parenting Attendance Report

Purpose: Shows attendance each day for clients present at a parenting program.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Cost Center Code

·         Parenting Name

·         Client Last Name

·         Cost Center

·         Client First Name

·         Client Name

·         Account Reference

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Number of Days

·         Parenting Name

Parenting Absentee Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Parenting Absentee Report

Purpose: Shows each day clients that were absent at a parenting program.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Cost Center Code

·         Parenting Name

·         Client Last Name

·         Cost Center

·         Client First Name

·         Client Name

·         Account Reference

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Number of Days

·         Parenting Name

·         Reason

·         Notes

Day Attendance Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Day Attendance Report

Purpose: Shows attendance each day for clients present at a day program.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Cost Center Code

·         Day Program Name

·         Client Last Name

·         Cost Center

·         Client First Name

·         Client Name

·         Account Reference

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Hours

·         Amount

·         Day Program Name

·         EVV Location

Group Service Attendance Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Group Service Attendance Report

Purpose: Shows each shift worked with clients in a group service.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Cost Center Code

·         Group Service Name

·         Client Last Name

·         Cost Center

·         Client First Name

·         Client Name

·         Account Reference

·         Employee Name

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Hours

·         Amount

·         Group Service Name

·         Employee Name

·         EVV Compliant

·         EVV Location

Mileage Entries Details Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Mileage Entries Details Report

Purpose: View all mileage entries made in the system based on desired filters.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Date of Service

·         Employee Name

·         Account Type

·         Cost Center

·         Method

·         Status

·         Employee Name

·         Method

·         Employee Number

·         Cost Center

·         Check In

·         Check Out

·         Hours

·         Units

·         Starting Odometer

·         Ending Odometer

·         Starting Geolocation

·         Ending Geolocation

·         Employee Exceeded Travel Time Tolerance

·         Supervisor Approved Travel Time Deviation

·         Created By

·         Created By Date

·         Created By IP Address

·         Approved/Rejected By

·         Approved/Rejected Date

·         Approved By IP Address

Low Accuracy Device Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Low Accuracy Device Report

Purpose: View entries that had low geolocation accuracy when entered.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Entry ID

·         To Date

·         Employee Name

·         Client Name

·         Service Code

·         Employee Name

·         Service Date

·         Cost Center

·         Account Type

·         Account Type

·         Device Name

·         Low Location Count

·         Good Location Count

Void Pre-Action Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Void Pre Action Report

Purpose: Provide information about entries to determine if they can be voided.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Date From

·         Entry ID

·         Date To

·         Entry Type

·         Account Type

·         Check #

·         Client Name

·         Account Type

·         Employee Name

·         Service Code ID

·         Service Code

·         Service Code Name

·         Cost Center

·         Service Code Bill Code

·         Check Number

·         Cost Center ID

·         Cost Center Name

·         Cost Center Code

·         Authorization ID

·         Employee Profile ID

·         Employee Number

·         Employee Last Name

·         Employee First Name

·         Client Profile ID

·         Client ID

·         Client Last Name

·         Client First Name

·         Ref Entry ID

·         Service Date

·         Rate

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Amount

·         Billable Amount

·         Status

·         Compensated

·         Active Pre-Auth Holds

·         Can be Voided

Time Card Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Time Card Report

Purpose: List all punch entries per filter results with all information needed to obtain client sign off. This report is used in areas where paper documentation with a wet signature is still required.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch Entry Id

·         To Date

·         Billing Batch Id

·         Funding Source Name

·         Client Name

·         Client Name

·         Account Ref

·         Employee Name

·         Region Name

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         Case Worker Name

·         Client/Employee

·         Date of Service

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Number

·         Service Code

·         Bill Code

·         Start Time

·         End Time

·         Billing Units

·         Portal Sign Off

·         Punch Notes

Reason Code Report

Navigation: Reports > COA Reports > Reason Code Report

Purpose: List all punch entries with a reason code attached.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Reason Code Name

·         Client Name

·         Reason Code

·         Employee Name

·         Reason Code Description

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center

Authorization Reports

Authorization Entries Report

Navigation: Reports > Authorization Reports > Authorization Entries Report

Purpose: Shows select authorizations in the system. *Please note: Authorizations for Clients in a client status of deceased, suspended, or inactive, are not included in the report. 

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Client Name

·         Authorization ID

·         Funding Source Name

·         Client Name

·         Account Type

·         Client ID

·         Service Code

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         Cut Off Date

·         Region

·         Region

·         Authorization ID Reference

·         Include Future Authorizations

·         Authorization ID Reference 1

·         Include Ended Authorizations

·         Authorization ID Reference 2

·         Include Discharged Clients Authorizations

·         Authorization ID Reference 3

·         Include Rejected Authorizations

·         Authorization ID Reference 4

·         Authorization ID Reference 5

·         Eligibility Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Expiration Date

·         Initial Balance

·         Remaining Balance

·         Holds

·         Available

·         Billing Rate

·         Monthly Max

·         Weekly Max

·         Daily Max

·         Maximum Daily Billable Units

·         Daily Rate

·         Billing Unit

·         Non Billable

·         Billing Hold

·         Status

·         Created By

·         Created Date

·         Approved/Rejected By

·         Approved/Rejected Date

Authorization Transactions Report

Navigation: Reports > Authorization Reports > Authorization Transactions Report

Purpose: Shows all transactions on an authorization.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Authorization ID

·         To Date

·         Client Name

·         Funding Source Name

·         Service Code

·         Account Type

·         Cost Center

·         Service Code

·         Entry ID

·         Cost Center

·         Entry Type

·         Entry Type

·         Account Type

·         Region Name

·         Employee/Residential/Day Program/Vendor Name

·         Include Future Authorizations

·         Date of Service

·         Include Ended Authorizations

·         Amount

·         Include Discharged Clients Authorizations

·         Bill Rate

·         Include Rejected Authorizations

·         Region

Authorization Run Rate Report

Navigation: Reports > Authorization Reports > Authorization Run Rate Report

Purpose: Compares the projected number of units that need to be provided to deplete the authorization by the end date to the current rate of provision.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Client Name

·         Authorization ID

·         Funding Source Name

·         Client Name

·         Account Type

·         Service Code

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         Region Name

·         Include Future Authorizations

·         Start Date

·         Include Ended Authorizations

·         End Date

·         Include Discharged Clients Authorizations

·         Initial Balance

·         Include Rejected Authorizations

·         Remaining Balance

·         Holds

·         Projected Weekly Run Rate

·         Current Weekly Run Rate

·         Projected Weekly Run Rate

·         Projected # of Weeks Until Zero

·         Projected Monthly Run Rate

·         Current Monthly Run Rate

·         Projected # of Months Until Zero

·         Determined Status

Expiring Authorization Report

Navigation: Reports > Authorization Reports > Expiring Authorization Report

Purpose: Lists authorizations with an end date within the specified “number of days to look forward” (30, 60, 90, 120 days).

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Client Name

·         Authorization ID

·         Funding Source Name

·         Client Name

·         Account Type

·         Service Code

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         Start Date

·         30, 60, 90, 120 Days

·         End Date

·         Include Future Authorizations

·         Initial Balance

·         Include Ended Authorizations

·         Remaining Balance

·         Include Discharged Clients Authorizations

·         Holds

·         Include Rejected Authorizations

·         Future Auth Present (Y/N)

·         Include Active Clients Only

·         Future Auth ID

·         Future Auth Start Date

·         Future Auth End Date

·         Future Auth Status

·         Expiring Auth Gap

Management Reports

Punch Entry Overtime Report

Navigation: Reports > Management Reports > Punch Entry Overtime Report

Purpose: Lists employees that punched overtime in a selected pay week.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Employee Name

·         To Date

·         Employee Number

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center Code

·         Employee Name

·         Total Hours Worked

Punch Entry Authorization Violation Report

Navigation: Reports > Management Reports > Punch Entry Authorization Violation Report

Purpose: Lists punches that exceeded the current authorization.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date (required)

·         Punch ID

·         To Date (required)

·         Date of Service

·         Account Type

·         Account Type

·         Client Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Number

·         Cost Center

·         Client Name

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Violation Type: D = Daily Max, W = Weekly Max, M = Weekly Max, R = Remaining Balance

·         Hours

·         Amount

·         Billable Amount

·         Status

Late Punch Entry Report

Navigation: Reports > Management Reports > Late Punch Entry Report

Purpose: Lists punches made 3 or more days after the date of service.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Date of Service

·         Cost Center

·         Account Type

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Number

·         Client/Residential/Day Program Name

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Hours

·         Amount

·         Status

·         Created By

·         Created Date

Client Approval Bypassed Punch Entry Report

Navigation: Reports > Management Reports > Client Approval Bypassed Punch Entry Report

Purpose: Lists punch entries that were approved by a supervisor prior to client sign off being obtained.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Date of Service

·         Cost Center

·         Account Type

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Number

·         Client Name

·         Cost Center Code

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Hours

·         Amount

·         Status

·         Supervisor Name

Late Punch Entry Approval Report

Navigation: Reports > Management Reports > Late Punch Entry Approval Report

Purpose: Lists punches that were approved 3 or more days after the date of service.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Date of Service

·         Cost Center

·         Account Type

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Number

·         Client/Residential/Day Program Name

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Hours

·         Amount

·         Status

·         Created By

·         Created Date

·         Approved By

·         Approved Date

Pay Week Hours Report

Navigation: Reports > Management Reports > Pay Week Hours Report

Purpose: Show the total number of hours worked for a selected pay week and display the number of remaining hours before going into overtime. Results are displayed in one line item per employee, per cost center.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Client Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Number

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         Total # of Approved Hrs

·         Status (Entry)

·         Total # of Pending Hrs

·         Pay Week (Dates)

·         Total # of Remaining Hrs

·         Total # of OT Hrs

·         Pay Week

Pay Week Total Hours Report

Navigation: Reports > Management Reports > Pay Week Total Hours Report

Purpose: Show the total number of hours worked for the current pay week and separated into Approved, Pending, and Unverified Hours.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Name

·         Pay Week (Dates)

·         Cost Center

·         Approved Hours

·         Pending Hours

·         Unverified Hours

·         Total Hours (Per Cost Center)

·         Pay Week

Unbillable Entries Report

Navigation: Reports > Management Reports > Unbillable Entries Report

Purpose: Shows all unbillable entries for a specific pay week.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Authorization Id

·         Account Type

·         Date of Service

·         Client Name

·         Account Type

·         Employee Name

·         Client Name

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         Employee/ Program Name

·         Include Write Off Entries

·         Employee Number

·         Service Code

·         Start Time

·         End Time

·         Amount

·         Billable Amount

·         Bill Rate

·         Billing Determination

·         Funding Source

·         Status

Compensating Entries Report

Navigation: Reports > Management Reports > Compensating Entries Report

Purpose: Shows all compensating service code entries for a specific pay week.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Year

·         Client First Name

·         Week (# - Dates)

·         Client Last Name

·         Account Type

·         Client ID

·         Client Name

·         Service Code

·         Employee Name

·         Cost Center Code

·         Service Code

·         Type of Compensation

·         Cost Center

·         Original Punch ID

·         Status (Entry)

·         Original Date of Service

·         Original Start Date

·         Original End Date

·         Original Punch Amount

·         Offsetting Date of Service

·         Offsetting Start Date

·         Offsetting End Date

·         Offsetting Punch Amount

·         New Punch ID

·         New Date of Service

·         New Start Date

·         New End Date

·         New Punch Amount

Total Daily Hours Report

Navigation: Reports > Management Reports > Total Daily Hours Report

Purpose: View total daily hours for an employee and the status of each entry.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Employee Name

·         Cost Center

·         Approved Hours

·         Pending Hours

·         Unverified

·         Total Hours

Voided Entries Report

Navigation: Reports > Management Reports > Voided Entries Report

Purpose: Provide a way to locate punch entries in the system that have been voided.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Pay Week

·         Account Type

·         Date of Service

·         Client Name

·         Account Type

·         Employee Name

·         General Activity

·         Service Code

·         Employee Name

·         Cost Center

·         Employee Number

·         Client/Program Name

·         Account Reference

·         Cost Center

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Amount

·         Rate

·         EVV

·         EVV Method

·         Status

·         Voided

Employee Pay Rates Report

Navigation: Reports > Management Reports > Employee Pay Rates Report

Purpose: Provide a way to pull all Pay Rates defined for an Employee that match the search criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Employee Name

·         To Date

·         Employee State

·         Employee Name

·         Cost Center

·         Client Name/Program Name

·         Pay Rate Name

·         Cost Center

·         Pay Rate

·         State

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Primary

·         Account Id

·         Service Code

·         Funding Source

·         Client/Program Name

·         Account Type

Payroll Reports

Payroll Batch Details Report

Navigation: Reports > Payroll Reports > Payroll Batch Report

Purpose: Shows all payroll entries (and punch entries if desired) that were included in a payroll batch.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Batch Id

·         Batch ID

·         Cost Center

·         Employee Number

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Type

·         Punch Entries

·         Employee Last Name

·         Employee First Name

·         Account Type

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center Code

·         Entry Type

·         Entry ID

·         Ref Entry ID

·         Date of Service

·         Pay Code Name

·         Pay Units

·         Estimated Payroll Burden

·         Net Pay

·         Payroll Modifier

·         Payroll Ref Id

·         Payroll Ref Check Id

·         Pay Week

Total Hours by Month Report

Navigation: Reports > Payroll Reports > Total Hours by Month Report

Purpose: Shows the number of hours worked by an employee, separated by month.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Employee Name

·         To Date

·         First Name

·         Last Name

·         Month/Year

Check Details Report

Navigation: Reports > Payroll Reports > Check Details Report

Purpose: View all payroll entries made in the system by desired PayRoll Ref Check Id.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Check Number

·         Check Number

·         Batch ID

·         Entry ID

·         Entry Type

·         Ref Entry ID

·         Date of Service

·         Account Type

·         Employee Service Account ID

·         Service Code

·         Employee Number

·         Employee Last Name

·         Employee First Name

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Amount

·         PayRate

·         Status

·         Pay Code Name

·         PayUnits

·         Payroll Burden

·         Payroll System Reference ID

Billing Reports

Billing Batch Details Report

Navigation: Reports > Billing Reports > Billing Batch Details Report

Purpose: Shows all billing entries (and punch entries if desired) that were included in a billing batch.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Batch Id

·         Batch ID

·         Cost Center

·         Account Reference

·         Client Name

·         Client Last Name

·         Funding Source Name

·         Client First Name

·         Punch Entries

·         Cost Center Code

·         Entry Type

·         Entry ID

·         RefEntryID

·         Service Date

·         Bill Code

·         Bill Units

·         Bill Rate

·         Rollup ID

Billing Register Report

Navigation: Reports > Billing Reports > Billing Register Report

Purpose: Shows billing entries including the units, rate, and net amount per billing batch.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Batch Id

·         Batch ID

·         Cost Center

·         Account Reference

·         Client Name

·         Entry Reference

·         Funding Source Name

·         Region Name

·         Client Last Name

·         Client First Name

·         Cost Center Code

·         Rollup ID

·         Service Date

·         Bill Code

·         Bill Units

·         Bill Rate

·         Net Amount

·         Authorization ID Reference 2

·         Authorization ID Reference 5

·         Service Code Reference 1

·         Service Code Reference 2

·         Service Code Reference 3

·         Actual Billable Amount

·         Rounded Amount

·         Actual Rounded Amount

·         Case Worker 1 - 9

Residential Billing Absentee Report

Navigation: Reports > Billing Reports > Residential Billing Absentee Report

Purpose: Shows all residential program absences per client for billing purposes.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Client

·         To Date

·         Account Reference

·         Residential Name

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         Region Name

·         Client Name

·         Reason

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Days

Parenting Billing Absentee Report

Navigation: Reports > Billing Reports > Parenting Billing Absentee Report

Purpose: Shows all parenting program absences per client for billing purposes.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Client

·         To Date

·         Account Reference

·         Parenting Name

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         Region Name

·         Client Name

·         Reason

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Submitted Check Out

·         Submitted Check In

·         Days

·         Total number of absent days

Billing Entry Authorization Max Violation Report

Navigation: Reports > Billing Reports > Billing Entry Authorization Max Violation Report

Purpose: Shows all billing entries that violated an authorization max (daily, weekly, or monthly).

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Batch Id

·         Batch ID

·         Cost Center

·         Entry ID

·         Client Name

·         Client Last Name

·         Funding Source Name

·         Client First Name

·         Service Code

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center Code

·         Billing Unit

·         Max Setting Violated

·         Amount Over Max

Rollups Report

Navigation: Reports > Billing Reports > Rollups Report

Purpose: View rollups based on desired search filter.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Rollup ID

·         To Date

·         Batch ID

·         Batch Id

·         Rollup Date

·         Rollup Id

·         Rollup Reference 1

·         Rollup Reference 2

·         Rollup Reference 3

·         GL Code

·         Number of Entries

·         Net Units

·         Net Amount

·         Bill Units

Rollups Detail Report

Navigation: Reports > Billing Reports > Rollups Details Report

Purpose: View rollups and their details based on desired search filter.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Rollup ID

·         To Date

·         Rollup Status

·         Batch Id

·         Rollup Type

·         Rollup Id

·         Batch ID

·         Rollup Status

·         Rollup Date

·         Funding Source Name

·         Start Time

·         Billing Unit

·         End Date

·         Rollup Reference 1

·         Rollup Reference 2

·         Rollup Reference 3

·         GL Code

·         Number of Entries

·         Net Units

·         Net Amount

·         Amount Received

·         Billing Entry Id

·         Punch/Attendance Entry Id

·         Client Name

·         Client Number

·         Funding Source

·         Service Code

·         Bill Code

·         Bill Units

·         Bill Rate

·         Bill Code Override

·         Bill Units Override

·         Bill Rate Override

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Number

Payback Rebill Report

Navigation: Reports > Billing Reports > Payback Rebill Report

Purpose: View all funding account entries and associated billing entries for any payback/rebills based on desired search filter.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Batch Id

·         To Date

·         Entry Id

·         Batch Id

·         Entry Type

·         Cost Center

·         Reference Entry Id

·         Client Name

·         Date of Service

·         Service Code

·         Account Type

·         Funding Source Name

·         Employee First Name

·         Employee Last Name

·         Employee Number

·         Client/Residential/Day Program Name

·         Cost Center

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Amount

·         Bill Units

·         Bill Rate

·         Rollup Id

·         Actual Billable Amount

·         Rounded Amount

·         Actual Rounded Amount

Billing Batch Payroll Results Report

Navigation: Reports > Billing Reports > Billing Batch Payroll Results Report

Purpose: The report shows funding account entries and associated billing entries for any payback/rebills that meet the filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Batch Id

·         Billing Batch Id

·         Cost Center

·         Client First Name

·         Client Name

·         Client Last Name

·         Funding Source Name

·         Client ID

·         Service Code

·         Service Code

·         Date of Service

·         Start Time

·         End Time

·         Employee Number

·         Employee Type

·         Employee First Name

·         Employee Last Name

·         Account Type

·         Cost Center Code

·         Entry Id

·         Ref Entry Id

·         Pay Code Name

·         Pay Rate

·         Pay Units

·         Estimated Payroll Burden

·         Net Pay

·         Pay Rate Override

·         Pay Units Override

·         Payroll Ref Id

·         Pay Date

·         Gross Pay

Write-Off Detail Report

Navigation: Reports > Billing Reports > Write-Off Detail Report

Purpose: The report shows all punch entries that have a status of write-off.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Batch Id

·         To Date

·         Batch Name

·         Funding Source Name

·         Funding Source Name

·         Account Type

·         Funding Account Reference

·         Client Name

·         Region Name

·         Employee Name

·         Client Name

·         Service Code

·         Client Id

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         Status

·         Account Type

·         Punch Entries

·         Service Code

·         Billing Entries

·         Service Code Billing Unit

·         Violation Type

·         Units

·         Billable Units

·         Write Off Units (Units-Billable Units)

·         Bill Rate

·         Net Amount (Bill Units x Rate)

·         Write Off Amount (Write Off Units X Rate)

·         Status

·         Actual Billable Amount

·         Rounded Amount

·         Actual Rounded Amount

Billing Batch EDI Details Report

Navigation: Reports > Billing Reports > Billing Batch EDI Details Report

Purpose: Shows all billing entries that were included in an EDI billing batch.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Batch Id

·         To Date

·         Batch Name

·         Batch ID

·         Batch Description

·         Cost Center

·         Status

·         Funding Source Name

·         Batch Created

·         Status

·         Cost Center Code

·         EDI Response Received

·         Funding Source Name

·         Unit Type

·         Credit Entry Count

·         Credit Total

·         Debit Entry Count

·         Debit Total

·         Total Bill Units

·         Total Bill Amount

·         Sender ID

·         Receiver ID

·         EDI Control Number

·         EDI Generated

·         EDI Transmitted

·         EDI Response Received

Billing Batch Reason Code Report

Navigation: Reports > Billing Reports > Billing Batch Reason Code Report

Purpose: To show all entries in a billing batch with a reason code.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Batch ID

·         CFA Punch ID

·         Cost Center

·         ESA Punch ID

·         Client Name

·         Billing Entry ID

·         Service Code

·         Reason Code Name

·         Reason Code

Profile Reports

Employees Report

Navigation: Reports > Profile Reports > Employees Report

Purpose: View details of Employee Profile

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Employee Name

·         Profile ID

·         Employee Number

·         Profile reference

·         Cost Center

·         First Name

·         Employee Type

·         Last Name

·         City Name

·         Employee Number

·         State

·         Email

·         Status

·         Address

·         From Date

·         City

·         To Date

·         State

·         Zip Code

·         Time Zone

·         DOB

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center ID

·         Type

·         Holiday Schedule

·         Username

·         Employment Status

·         Phone

·         Alternate Phone

·         Mobile Phone

·         Training System Reference

·         Weekly Hours Available

·         Professional Id 1

·         Professional Id 2

·         Authentication Status

·         Certification Template

·         Photo Set

·         Signature Set

·         Email Confirm

·         Blocked from Mobile App Access

·         Blocked from Portal Access

·         Creation Date

·         Created By

·         Hire Date

·         Termination Date

·         Preferred Language

Roles Report

Navigation: Reports > Profile Reports > Roles Report

Purpose: View details of roles assigned to employee profiles

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Role

·         Profile ID

·         Cost Center

·         First Name

·         Employee Name

·         Last Name

·         Employee Number

·         Employee Number

·         Cost Center ID

·         Cost Center Code

·         Role

·         Date Added

·         Added By

·         Profile ID

Clients Report

Navigation: Reports > Profile Reports > Clients Report

Purpose: View details of Client Profile

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Client Name

·         Profile ID

·         Client ID

·         Profile reference

·         Cost Center

·         First Name

·         City Name

·         Last Name

·         State

·         Client ID

·         Status

·         Email

·         From Date

·         Address

·         To Date

·         City

·         Region Name

·         State

·         Funding Source Name

·         Zip Code

·         Phone

·         DOB

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center ID

·         Client Code

·         Medicaid Number

·         Region

·         Status

·         Creation Date

·         Created By

·         Discharge Date

·         Suspended Date

·         Preferred Language

Residential Programs Report

Navigation: Reports > Profile Reports > Residential Programs Report

Purpose: A directory of residential programs in the system.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Residential Program Name

·         Profile ID

·         Cost Center

·         Master Program Account ID

·         City

·         Name

·         Status

·         Address

·         Time Zone

·         Phone

·         Alternate Phone

·         Email

·         UserName

·         Allow Sleep Shift

·         Cost Center

·         Weekly Default Hours

·         Provider Service Location

·         Profile Reference

·         Total Client Service Accounts

·         Total Employee Service Accounts

·         Authentication Status

·         Status

 Day Programs

Navigation: Reports > Profile Reports > Day Programs

Purpose: A directory of day programs in the system.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Day Program Name

·         Profile ID

·         Cost Center

·         Master Program Account ID

·         City

·         Name

·         Status

·         Address

·         Time Zone

·         Phone

·         Alternate Phone

·         Email

·         UserName

·         Holiday Schedule

·         Cost Center

·         Provider Service Location

·         Profile Reference

·         On Call Ratio

·         Operation Hours

·         Total Client Service Accounts

·         Total Employee Service Accounts

·         Authentication Status

·         Status

Parenting Programs Report

Navigation: Reports > Profile Reports > Parenting Programs Report

Purpose: A directory of parenting programs in the system.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Parenting Name

·         Profile ID

·         Cost Center

·         Master Program Account ID

·         City

·         Name

·         Status

·         Address

·         Time Zone

·         Phone

·         Alternate Phone

·         Email

·         UserName

·         Cost Center

·         Profile Reference

·         Total Client Service Accounts

·         Total Employee Service Accounts

·         Authentication Status

·         Status

Group Services Report

Navigation: Reports > Profile Reports > Group Services Report

Purpose: A directory of group programs in the system.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Group Service Name

·         Profile ID

·         Cost Center

·         Master Program Account ID

·         City

·         Name

·         Status

·         Address

·         Time Zone

·         Phone

·         Alternate Phone

·         Email

·         Cost Center

·         Profile Reference

·         Total Client Service Accounts

·         Total Employee Service Accounts

·         EVV Required

·         Enable Geofencing

·         Require Multiple Clients Per Punch

·         Minimum # of Attendee

·         Status

Guardians Report

Navigation: Reports > Profile Reports > Guardians Report

Purpose: View details of Guardian Profile.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Guardian Name

·         Profile ID

·         Cost Center

·         First Name

·         State

·         Last Name

·         Client Name

·         Address

·         Client ID

·         Address 2

·         Status

·         City

·         State

·         Zip Code

·         Time Zone

·         Cost Center

·         Phone

·         Alternate Phone

·         Mobile Phone

·         Email

·         Profile Reference

·         Status

·         Linked Client 1 ID

·         Linked Client 1 Full Name

·         Linked Client ID columns continue 2-35

·         Linked Client Full Name columns continue 2-35

Case Workers Report

Navigation: Reports > Profile Reports > Case Workers Report

Purpose: View details of Case Workers Profile.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Case Worker Name

·         Profile ID

·         Cost Center

·         First Name

·         State

·         Last Name

·         Funding Source Name

·         Address

·         Client Name

·         Address 2

·         Client ID

·         City

·         Status

·         State

·         Zip Code

·         Time Zone

·         Cost Center

·         Phone

·         Alternate Phone

·         Email

·         Status

·         Profile Reference

·         Can View Notes

·         Can View Attachments

·         Linked Client 1 ID

·         Linked Client 1 Full Name

·         Linked Client ID columns continue 2-43

·         Linked Client Full Name columns continue 2-43

Vendors Report

Navigation: Reports > Profile Reports > Vendors Report

Purpose: View details of Vendors Profile.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Vendor Name

·         Profile ID

·         DBA

·         Name

·         Tax ID

·         DBA

·         Cost Center

·         Address

·         State

·         Address 2

·         Status

·         City

·         State

·         Zip Code

·         Time Zone

·         Cost Center

·         Phone

·         Alternate Phone

·         Email

·         Tax ID

·         URL

·         Profile Reference

·         Status

Funding Account Reports

Funding Accounts Report

Navigation: Reports > Funding Account Reports > Funding Accounts Report

Purpose: Shows details of client funding accounts, including the balance to date.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Client Name

·         Account ID

·         Service Code

·         Account Type

·         Cost Center

·         Client First Name

·         Unit

·         Client Last Name

·         Status

·         Client ID

·         Funding Source Name

·         Account Reference

·         Account Type

·         Cost Center

·         Funding Type

·         Cost Center ID

·         Region Name

·         Service Code

·         Service Code ID

·         Funding Type

·         Funding Source

·         Funding Source ID

·         Unit

·         Balance

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Staff Ratio

·         Region

·         Status

Funding Account Entries Report

Navigation: Reports > Funding Account Reports > Funding Account Entries Report

Purpose: The report shows all punch entries associated with a funding account, including the entry details and the associated funding account.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Pay Week

·         Punch Id

·         Reference Punch ID

·         Account Type

·         Date of Service

·         Client Name

·         Account Type

·         Service Code

·         Client Name

·         Funding Source Name

·         Client ID

·         Cost Center

·         Employee/Program Name

·         Status

·         Account Reference

·         Billing Batch Name

·         Cost Center

·         Billing Batch Id

·         Service Code

·         Region Name

·         Funding Source

·         Include Only Unbatched Punches

·         State Date

·         End Date

·         Hours

·         Amount

·         Billable Amount

·         Employer Burden Rate

·         Employer Cost

·         EVV

·         EVV Methods

·         Status

·         Created By

·         Created Date

·         Created IP Address

·         Approved/Rejected By

·         Approved/Rejected Date

·         Approved IP Address

·         Input Method Type

·         Billing Batch Name

·         Billing Batch ID

·         Region

Settings Reports

Cost Center Report

Navigation: Reports > Settings Reports > Cost Center

Purpose: Shows cost centers by state and status.

NOTE:  This report is only avaliable for superusers.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         State

·         Cost Center Id

·         Status

·         Cost Center Name

·         Cost Center Code

·         Cost Center Reference

·         Cost Center Reference2

·         State

·         Status

Funding Sources Report

Navigation: Reports > Settings Reports > Funding Sources Report

Purpose: Shows all funding sources.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Funding Source Name

·         Profile ID

·         Type

·         Name

·         Cost Center

·         Address

·         State

·         Address 2

·         Status

·         City

·         Exclude From Auto Approval

·         State

·         Zip Code

·         Country

·         Exclude From Auto Approval

·         Time Zone

·         Cost Center

·         Phone

·         Alternate Phone

·         Email

·         Allow Offline Mobile App

·         Allow Mobile App Portal Signoff Verification

·         Sleep Shift Start

·         Sleep Shift End

·         Provider ID

·         Profile Reference

·         Type

·         Status

·         Require Reason Code for Manual Entries

·         Allow Signature EVV Verification

·         Allow Client Password EVV Verification

·         Allow Client Pin EVV Verification

·         Allow Picture EVV Verification

·         Perform Picture Facial Recognition

·         Picture Facial Recognition Threshold

·         Allow Voice Recording EVV Verification

·         Allow FOB EVV Verification

·         Allow Approve Unverified Picture

·         Allow Approve Unverified Signature

·         Allow Approve Unverified Voice Recording

Service Codes Report

Navigation: Reports > Settings Reports > Service Codes Report

Purpose: Shows all service codes per funding source.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Funding Source Name

·         Funding Source ID

·         Account Type

·         Funding Source Name

·         Status

·         Service Code ID

·         Funding Type

·         Service Code

·         CPT Code

·         Account Type

·         HCPCS Code

·         Funding Type

·         Billable

·         Billing Unit

·         Rounding Increment

·         Rounding Type

·         Payable

·         Overtime Exempt

·         Has Daily Rate

·         Daily Max

·         Daily Bill Rate

·         Daily Bill Code

·         Billing Rollup Type

·         Default Provider Service Location

·         Bill Code

·         Billing Multiplier

·         EVV Required

·         Require Care Notes

·         Reference 1

·         Reference 2

·         Reference 3

·         CPT Code

·         HCPCS Code

·         EVV Aggregation Required

·         Is Travel Time

·         Status

·         Require EVV Location

·         Show Remaining Balance

·         Show Monthly Balance

·         Show Weekly Balance

·         Show Daily Balance

Service Code Groups Report

Navigation: Reports > Settings Reports > Service Code Groups Report

Purpose: Shows all service codes per funding source.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Group Name

·         Group ID

·         Service Code

·         Group Name

·         Status

·         Description

·         Status

·         Member Service Code ID 1

·         Member Service Code Name 1

·         Member Service Code ID columns continue 2-4

·         Member Service Code Name columns continue 2-4

Regions Report

Navigation: Reports > Settings Reports > Regions Report

Purpose: Shows regions per funding source.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Funding Source Name

·         Funding Source Profile ID

·         Region Name

·         Funding Source Name

·         State

·         Region ID

·         City Name

·         Region Name

·         Status

·         Address

·         City

·         State

·         Postal Code

·         Phone

·         Fax

·         Email

·         Contact Name

·         Region Reference

·         Status

EVV Reports

EVV Entries Report

Navigation: Reports > EVV Reports > EVV Entries Report

Purpose: View all information for an entry.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch Id

·         To Date

·         Date of Service

·         Client Name

·         Start Time

·         Employee Name

·         End Time

·         Cost Center

·         Employee Name

·         Client Name

·         Service Code

·         EVV Method

·         EVV Captured On

·         Clock In EVV Location

·         Clock In Geolocation

·         Clock Out EVV Location

·         Clock Out Geolocation

·         EVV Compliant

·         Entry Type

·         Cost Center

Geofence Report

Navigation: Reports > EVV Reports > Geofence Report

Purpose: View distances between Punch Geolocation and the associated EVV Location Geolocation.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Account Type

·         Client Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Number

·         Cost Center

·         Client Name/Program Name

·         Geofence Status

·         Cost Center

·         Service Code

·         Date of Service

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Amount

·         Clock In Geolocation

·         Clock In EVV Location

·         Clock In EVV Location Geolocation

·         Clock In Geofence Distance

·         Clock Out Geolocation

·         Clock Out EVV Location

·         Clock Out EVV Location Geolocation

·         Clock Out Geofence Distance

·         Clock Out Geofence Status

EVV Phone Report

Navigation: Reports > EVV Reports > EVV Phone Report

Purpose: Lists all punches where a landline phone was used for EVV method.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Date of Call

·         Punch Id

·         Service Code

·         Date of Call

·         Cost Center

·         Start Time

·         Phone Number

·         End Time

·         Employee Name

·         Service Code

·         Client Name

·         Cost Center

·         Phone Number

·         Client/Program Name

·         Employee

·         Clock In EVV Location

·         Clock Out EVV Location

·         Result

FOB Report

Navigation: Reports > EVV Reports > FOB Report

Purpose: Lists all punches where FOB was used for EVV method.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Date of Service

·         Account Type

·         Account Type

·         Client Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Name

·         Client Name

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         Service Code

·         Status

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Amount

·         EVV Compliant

·         EVV Method

·         FOB Serial #

·         FOB Start Token

·         FOB End Token

·         Status

·         Created By

·         Created Date

·         Created IP Address

Portal Sign Off Report

Navigation: Reports > EVV Reports > Portal Sign Off Report

Purpose: Lists all punches where Portal Signoff was used for EVV method.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Entry Id

·         To Date

·         Created Date

·         Subject

·         Service Code

·         Client Name

·         Subject

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Name

·         Performed By

·         Client Name

·         Date of Service

·         Start Time

·         End Time

·         Clock In EVV Location

·         Clock Out EVV Location

·         Performed By

·         Performed By User Type

Care Management Reports

Pending Care Notes Report

Navigation: Reports > Care Management Reports > Pending Care Notes Report

Purpose: Lists all pending care notes.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Client Name

·         Entry ID

·         Employee Name

·         Client Name

·         Cost Center

·         Employee Name

·         Past Due

·         Service Code

·         Service Date

·         Care Notes Due Date

Task Result Details Report

Navigation: Reports > Care Management Reports > Task Result Details Report

Purpose: Lists all task results.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Goal Name

·         PlanOfCareID

·         Task Name

·         Goal Name

·         Cost Center

·         Task Name

·         Client Name

·         Client Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Name

·         Case Worker

·         Care Notes ID

·         Canned Question

·         Service Date

·         Service Code

·         Result

·         Question1

·         Answer1

·         Question2

·         Answer2

·         Question3

·         Answer3

·         Question4

·         Answer4

·         Question5

·         Answer5

Raw Data Dump Report

Navigation: Reports > Care Management Reports > Raw Data Dump Report

Purpose: Allows you to export all Care Management Data per client in the following exports:

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Client Name

·         Plan of Care Export

·         Goal Export

·         Task Export

·         Task Result Export

Client Diagnosis Report

Navigation: Reports > Care Management Reports > Client Diagnosis Report

Purpose: Lists diagnosis code by client.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Diagnosis Date From

·         Client ID

·         Diagnosis Date To

·         Client Name

·         Diagnosis Code Type

·         State

·         Diagnosis Code

·         Cost Center

·         Description

·         Diagnosis Code Type

·         Client Name

·         Diagnosis Code

·         Cost Center

·         Description

·         State

·         Date of Diagnosis

·         Status

Diagnosis Code Usage Report

Navigation: Reports > Care Management Reports > Diagnosis Code Usage Report

Purpose: Shows the usage of diagnosis codes per number of clients in a funding source

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Diagnosis Date From

·         Code Type

·         Diagnosis Date To

·         Diagnosis Code

·         Cost Center

·         Description

·         Funding Source Name

·         Status

·         Service Code

·         Date

·         Diagnosis Code

·         Cost Center

·         Description

·         Funding Source Name

·         State

·         Service Code Name

·         Status

·         Account Type

·         # Of Clients

Scheduling Reports

Employee Schedule Report

Navigation: Reports > Scheduling Reports > Employee Schedule Report

Purpose: Lists all schedule entries for an employee per filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Employee Name

·         To Date

·         Account Type

·         Account Type

·         Cost Center

·         Employee Name

·         Client Name

·         Client Name

·         Residential Program Name

·         Residential Name

·         Day Program Name

·         Day Program Name

·         Group Service Name

·         Group Service Name

·         Service Code

·         Service Code

·         Pay Week

·         Cost Center

·         Date of Service

·         Exclude Rejected Schedule Entries

·         Start Time

·         End Time

·         Hours

·         Status

Client Schedule Report

Navigation: Reports > Scheduling Reports > Client Schedule Report

Purpose: Lists all schedule entries for a client per filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Client Name

·         To Date

·         Account Type

·         Account Type

·         Cost Center

·         Client Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Name

·         Day Program Name

·         Day Program Name

·         Group Service Name

·         Group Service Name

·         Service Code

·         Service Code

·         Pay Week

·         Cost Center

·         Date of Service

·         Exclude Rejected Schedule Entries

·         Start Time

·         End Time

·         Hours

·         Status

Day Program Schedule Report

Navigation: Reports > Scheduling Reports > Day Program Schedule Report

Purpose: Lists all schedule entries for a Day Program per filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Employee Name/Client Name

·         To Date

·         Account Type

·         Account Type

·         Cost Center

·         Employee Name

·         Client Name

·         Client Name

·         Day Program Name

·         Day Program Name

·         Service Code

·         Service Code

·         Pay Week

·         Cost Center

·         Date of Service

·         Exclude Rejected Schedule Entries

·         Start Time

·         End Time

·         Hours

·         Status

Residential Program Schedule Report

Navigation: Reports > Scheduling Reports > Residential Program Schedule Report

Purpose: Lists all schedule entries for a Residential Program per filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Employee Name

·         To Date

·         Account Type

·         Employee Name

·         Cost Center

·         Residential Name

·         Residential Program Name

·         Cost Center

·         Service Code

·         Exclude Rejected Schedule Entries

·         Pay Week

·         Date of Service

·         Start Time

·         End Time

·         Hours

·         Status

Group Service Schedule Report

Navigation: Reports > Scheduling Reports > Group Service Schedule Report

Purpose: Lists all schedule entries for a Group Service per filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Employee Name

·         To Date

·         Account Type

·         Account Type

·         Cost Center

·         Client Name

·         Residential Program Name

·         Group Service Name

·         Service Code

·         Service Code

·         Pay Week

·         Cost Center

·         Date of Service

·         Exclude Rejected Schedule Entries

·         Start Time

·         End Time

·         Hours

·         Status

Missed Shift Report

Navigation: Reports > Scheduling Reports > Missed Shift Report

Purpose: View all shifts that in which the time worked was outside the customer’s acceptable variation from the scheduled shift.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Schedule Entry ID

·         To Date

·         Account Type

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Name

·         Client Name

·         Employee Number

·         Cost Center

·         Client Name

·         Critical Checkbox

·         Client ID

·         Cost Center Code

·         Service Code

·         Schedule Start Date

·         Schedule End Date

·         Scheduled Hours

·         Critical Shift

·         Pay Week

Training Reports

Employee Training Certification Report

Navigation: Reports > Training Reports > Employee Training Certification Report

Purpose: View all Profile Certifications based on the filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Number

·         Status

·         Employee Name

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         State

·         City

·         Show Historical

·         State

·         Zip Code

·         Certification ID

·         Certification Name

·         Certification Date

·         Certification Expiration Date

Employee Training Certification Details Report

Navigation: Reports > Training Reports > Employee Training Certification Details Report

Purpose: View all Profile Certifications based on the filter criteria, including who created the certification and when.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Employee Name

·         Employee #

·         Status

·         Employee Name

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         State

·         City

·         Show Historical

·         State

·         Zip Code

·         Certification ID

·         Certification Name

·         Certification Date

·         Certification Expiration Date

·         Certification Status

Service Code Certification Requirements Report

Navigation: Reports > Training Reports > Service Code Certification Requirements Report

Purpose: View all Certification Requirements for a specific Service Code based on the filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Funding Source Name

·         Funding Source ID

·         Service Code

·         Funding Source Name

·         Account Type

·         Service Code ID

·         Unit

·         Service Code

·         Status

·         Account Type

·         Billing Unit

·         Service Code Status

·         Certification Template ID

·         Certification Template Name

·         Certification Requirement ID

·         Certification Requirement Name

Service Code Certification Templates Report

Navigation: Reports > Training Reports > Service Code Certification Templates Report

Purpose: View all associations of Certification Templates to specific Service Codes based on the filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Funding Source Name

·         Funding Source ID

·         Service Code

·         Funding Source Name

·         Account Type

·         Service Code ID

·         Unit

·         Service Code

·         Status

·         Account Type

·         Billing Unit

·         Service Code Status

·         Certification Template ID

·         Certification Template Name

Certification Templates Report

Navigation: Reports > Training Reports > Certification Templates Report

Purpose: View all Certification Templates in the system based on the filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Status

·         Template ID

·         Template Name

·         Template Status

Certification Templates Association Report

Navigation: Reports > Training Reports > Certification Templates Association Report

Purpose: View all Certification Template associations based on the filter criteria. This will show which templates are linked to which entities (i.e., Service Code, Cost Center, Employee Profile, Client Profile, Funding Account, or Master Program Account).

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Status

·         Template ID

·         Association Type

·         Template Name

·         Template Status

·         Association Type

·         Associated ID

·         Associated Name

Certification Requirements Report

Navigation: Reports > Training Reports > Certification Requirements Report

Purpose: View all Certifications Requirements and their details based on the filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Status

·         Certification Requirement ID

·         Certification Requirement Name

·         Certification Requirement Status

·         Valid Duration

·         Expiration Reminder Period

·         Expiration Reminder Frequency

Certification Requirements Associations Report

Navigation: Reports > Training Reports > Certification Requirements Associations Report

Purpose: View which Certification Requirements are included in each Certification Template based on the filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Requirement Name

·         Certification Requirement ID

·         Status

·         Certification Requirement Name

·         Certification Requirement Status

·         Template ID

·         Template Name

Expiring Training Certification Report

Navigation: Reports > Training Reports > Expiring Training Certification Report

Purpose: This report lists all expiring certifications for an employee that can be filtered for the next 30/60/90 days.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Employee Name

·         Employee #

·         Requirement Name

·         Employee Name

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         30, 60, 90 days

·         City

·         State

·         State

·         Zip Code

·         Certification ID

·         Certification Name

·         Certification Date

·         Certification Expiration Date

·         Certification Expiration Date Last Reminder

Employee Required Trainings Report

Navigation: Reports > Training Reports > Employee Required Trainings Report

Purpose: This report lists all certifications required for an employee.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Employee Name (required)

·         Employee Number

·         Cost Center

·         Employee First Name

·         Include Ended Service Accounts

·         Employee Last Name

·         Certification ID

·         Certification Name

·         Certification Date

·         Certification Expiration Date

·         Certification Status

Employee Certification Requirements Linkage Report

Navigation: Reports > Training Reports > Employee Certification Requirements Linkage Report

Purpose: The report informs the user where the certification requirements are imposed on an employee come from including which templates and how those templates are linked to the employee.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Employee Name (required)

·         Employee Profile ID

·         Cost Center

·         Employee Name

·         Exclude Terminated Employees

·         Employee Number

·         Employee Hire Date

·         Employee Default Cost Center ID

·         Employee Default Cost Center

·         Requirement ID

·         Requirement Name

·         Template ID

·         Template Name

·         Requirement Source

·         Certification Status

·         Certification Expiration Date

·         Employment Status

Auditing System Activity Reports

Login Report

Navigation: Reports > Auditing System Activity Reports > Login Report

Purpose: View all login attempts based on filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date (required)

·         Created Date

·         To Date (required)

·         Subject

·         Subject

·         Employee Name

·         Employee/Client Name (required)

·         Client Name

·         Added By

Profile Event Report

Navigation: Reports > Auditing System Activity Reports > Profile Event Report

Purpose: Review all events added by a specific profile for a specific date range.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date (required)

·         Date

·         To Date (required)

·         Subject

·         Subject

·         Description

·         Profile Name (required)

·         Added By

Business Rules Reports

Business Rules Settings Report

Navigation: Reports > Business Rules Reports > Business Rules Settings Report

Purpose: View all business rules and the current setting based on filter criteria.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Business Rule Status

·         Business Rule Id

·         Account Type

·         Business Rule Name

·         Funding Source Name

·         Phase

·         Service Code

·         Status

·         Unit

·         Allow Override

·         Require Note

·         Funding Source Id

·         Funding Source Name

·         Service Code Id

·         Service Code Name

·         Account Type

·         Parameter 1

·         Parameter 2

Business Rules Result Report

Navigation: Reports > Business Rules Reports > Business Rules Result Report

Purpose: This report provides users the ability to review the business rules results for one or more punches at a time.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Entry Id

·         To Date

·         Entry Type

·         Cost Center

·         Date of Service

·         Client Name

·         Employee Profile Id

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Name

·         Business Rule Results

·         Client Profile Id

·         Account Type

·         Client Name

·         Entry Type

·         Account Id

·         Account Type

·         Entry Type

·         Cost Center

·         Business Rule Name - This should be determined using the Business Rule ID from the Business Rule Table

·         Business Rule Results - This should be the Business Rule Executions Results value. If 1, display "Pass" with green fill. If 0, display as "Fail" with red fill. If NULL, then display "" (blank) with white fill.

Summary Report

Summary Report

Navigation: Reports > Summary Report

Purpose: This report provides a view of the client spending summary in a specific format. This report is for Fiscal Intermediaries and can be used by superusers, case workers, and employers.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Service Start Date

Section One:

·         Service End Date

·         The date the report was generated

·         Client Name

·         Client Name

·         Service Code

·         Participant Number (Client ID)

·         Ended Authorizations

·         Case Manager Name

·         Case Manager Phone Number

·         Funding Source Name

·         Authorization Start Date

·         Authorization End Date

·         % Time Elapsed

·         Funding Type (Dollars or Units)

·         Authorization Name

·         Initial Balance

·         Used YTD

·         Pre-Authorizations Holds

·         Remaining Balance

·         % Remaining Balance

Section Two

·         Client Name/Employee Name

·         Authorization Name

·         Authorization ID

·         From Date

·         To Date

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center

·         Entry ID

·         Entry Type

·         Account Type

·         Employee/Program Name

·         Date of Service

·         Amount

·         Amount Totals

·         Bill Rate

Custom Fields Reports

Custom Field Definitions Report

Navigation: Reports > Custom Fields Reports > Custom Field Definitions Report

Purpose: This report provides users the ability to view all custom field definitions in the system.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Custom Field ID

·         Custom Field ID

·         Item Type

·         Item Type

·         Name

·         Note Type

·         Label

·         Note Sub Type

·         EDI

·         Name

·         Status

·         Label

·         Help Text

·         Description

·         Input Type

·         RegEx

·         List Values

·         Default Value

·         EDI

·         Required

·         Status

Custom Field Values Report

Navigation: Reports > Custom Fields Reports > Custom Field Values Report

Purpose: This report provides users the ability to view all custom field values in the system.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Item Type

·         Custom Field ID

·         Label

·         Item Id

·         Cost Center

·         Item Type

·         EDI

·         Label

·         Status

·         Value

·         EDI

·         Required

·         Status

Notes Reports

Punch Entry Notes and Canned Statements Report

Navigation: Reports > Notes Reports > Punch Entry Notes and Canned Statements Report

Purpose: This report provides users the ability to view all notes and canned statements associated with punch(es).

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         From Date

·         Punch ID

·         To Date

·         Date of Service

·         Account Type

·         Account Type

·         Client Name

·         Employee/Vendor Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Number

·         Service Code

·         Client/Residential/Day Program Name

·         Cost Center

·         Cost Center

·         Activity

·         Service Code

·         Status

·         Start Date

·         Entry Type

·         End Date

·         Include Canceled and Rejected Punches

·         Statements

·         Canned Statements

·         Entry Type

Employee Service Account Punch Notes Report

Navigation: Reports > Notes Reports > Employee Service Account Punch Notes Report

Purpose: This report provides users the ability to bulk download notes associated with Punches for an Employee Service Account.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Note Date From

·         Punch ID

·         Note Date To

·         Date of Service

·         Service Date From

·         Account Type

·         Service Date To

·         Employee Name

·         Cost Center

·         Employee Number

·         Employee Name

·         Client/Residential/Day Program Name

·         Employee Number

·         Cost Center

·         Client Name

·         Service Code

·         Client ID

·         Start Date

·         Service Code

·         End Date

·         Note Type

·         Note Type

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Date

·         Note Subject

·         Note Body

·         Note Added By

Client Funding Account Punch Notes Report

Navigation: Reports > Notes Reports > Client Funding Account Punch Notes Report

Purpose: This report provides users the ability to bulk download notes associated with Punches for a Client Funding Account.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Note Date From

·         Punch ID

·         Note Date To

·         Date of Service

·         Service Date From

·         Account Type

·         Service Date To

·         Client Name

·         Cost Center

·         Client ID

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Number

·         Employee Number

·         Client Name

·         Cost Center

·         Client ID

·         Service Code

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         Note Type

·         End Date

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Type

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Date

·         Note Subject

·         Note Body

·         Note Added By

Payroll Entry Notes Report

Navigation: Reports > Notes Reports > Payroll Entry Notes Report

Purpose: This report provides users the ability to bulk download notes associated with Payroll Entries.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Note Date From

·         Entry ID

·         Note Date To

·         Date of Service

·         Service Date From

·         Account Type

·         Service Date To

·         Client Name

·         Cost Center

·         Client ID

·         Pay Code

·         Cost Center

·         Client Name

·         Service Code

·         Client ID

·         Pay Code

·         Service Code

·         Service Date

·         Note Type

·         Amount

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Type

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Date

·         Note Subject

·         Note Body

·         Note Added By

Billing Entry Notes Report

Navigation: Reports > Notes Reports > Billing Entry Notes Report

Purpose: This report provides users the ability to bulk download notes associated with Billing Entries.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Note Date From

·         Entry ID

·         Note Date To

·         Date of Service

·         Service Date From

·         Account Type

·         Service Date To

·         Employee Name

·         Cost Center

·         Employee Number

·         Batch ID

·         Client/Residential/Day Program Name

·         Bill Code

·         Cost Center

·         Employee Name

·         Service Code

·         Employee Number

·         Batch ID

·         Client Name

·         Bill Code

·         Client ID

·         Note Type

·         Service Code

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Type

·         Note Date

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Subject

·         Note Body

·         Note Added By

Employee Profile Notes Report

Navigation: Reports > Notes Reports > Employee Profile Notes Report

Purpose: This report provides users the ability to bulk download notes associated with Employee Profiles.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Note Date From

·         Profile ID

·         Note Date To

·         Employee Type

·         Cost Center

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Type

·         Employee Number

·         Employment Status

·         Cost Center

·         Employee Name

·         Hire Date

·         Employee Number

·         Employment Status

·         Note Type

·         Note Type

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Date

·         Note Subject

·         Note Body

·         Note Added By

Client Profile Notes Report

Navigation: Reports > Notes Reports > Client Profile Notes Report

Purpose: This report provides users the ability to bulk download notes associated with Client Profiles.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Note Date From

·         Profile ID

·         Note Date To

·         Client Name

·         Cost Center

·         Client ID

·         Client Status

·         Cost Center

·         Client Name

·         Client Status

·         Client ID

·         Note Type

·         Note Type

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Date

·         Note Subject

·         Note Body

·         Note Added By

Authorization Notes Report

Navigation: Reports > Notes Reports > Authorization Notes Report

Purpose: This report provides users the ability to bulk download notes associated with Authorizations.

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Note Date From

·         Entry ID

·         Note Date To

·         Start Date

·         Authorization Date From

·         Account Type

·         Authorization Date To

·         Client Name

·         Cost Center

·         Client ID

·         Client Name

·         Cost Center

·         Client ID

·         Service Code

·         Service Code

·         Auth Status

·         Auth Status

·         Note Type

·         Note Type

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Sub Type

·         Note Date

·         Note Subject

·         Note Body

·         Note Added By

Canned Statements Report

Navigation: Reports > Notes Reports > Canned Statements Report

Purpose: This report provide users the ability to view all canned statements associated with punch(es).

Filters Available:

Columns Available:

·         Service Date From

·         Punch ID

·         Service Date To

·         Date of Service

·         Cost Center

·         Account Type

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Name

·         Employee Number

·         Employee Number

·         Client Name

·         Client/Residential/Day Program Name

·         Client ID

·         Client ID

·         Service Code

·         Cost Center

·         Service Code

·         Start Date

·         End Date

·         Canned Statement

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