Client Profile
The client profile is intended for the person receiving service. The client profile allows clients to view and sign off on services provided, and to view and track authorization information. If the person receiving services has more than one representative and does not wish to use their own profile, a representative may also use the client profile. If the representative is using the client profile, the profile name will be of the person receiving services, while the login credentials will be those of the representative. The client profile only allows access to one client's information. If the representative is using the client profile and oversees services for more than one client, they will have login credentials for each client profile.
Guardian Profile
The guardian profile is intended for parents, family members, guardians, or other designated representatives. The guardian profile allows authorized users to view and sign off on services provided and to view and track authorization information. A user with the guardian profile may have access to one or more clients. While the guardian profile can be linked to multiple clients, the client profile can only be linked to one guardian profile.
Employer Profile (FI mode only)
The employer profile is intended for the employer of record. The employer of record could be the client, parent, or other designated representative. The employer of record is the individual that hires and fires employees (those that render services to the client). A user with an employer role may manage employee punch entries, add employee punches, add notes or attachments, and run reports for the associated cost center(s). An employer may have multiple clients. For example, the parent may be the employer for two siblings who receive services. This role is available for fiscal intermediaries only.
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