Description: In this topic, the user will learn how to create, view, edit, or deactivate client service accounts. For programs, in order for attendance to be generated for clients, there must be an active service account linking the client to the program in which they are enrolled. Client service accounts are not required for hourly services.

*Please note: This task requires a supervisor role in the same cost center as the client. If the client has a home cost center for which the supervisor does not have a supervisor role, the home cost center supervisor must create the service account from the client details page.

Role Required: Super User, Supervisor

Permission Required: N/A

Required Entities Before Creation:

  • Cost Center

  • Funding Source

  • Service Code

  • Client Funding Account

  • Program Profile or Employee Profile (depending on the type of account)

Create a Client Service Account

  1. Log into DCI personal profile

  2. Click Home on the main menu

  3. Click Clients on the submenu

  4. Enter the client's name in the filter and click Search

  5. Click anywhere in the row to open the Client Details page

  6. Click Actions

  7. Select New Service Account. Complete the form wizard in the same manner as an Employee Service Account. When creating a Client Service Account, the following account types are available:

    1. Hourly

    2. Residential Program

    3. Day Program

    4. Group Service

    5. Parenting Program

    6. Transportation

    7. Client Transportation

  8. Click Save to continue and Yes to confirm

Create a Client Service Account from the Residential, Day, Group Service, or Parenting Program Page

  1. Log in to DCI personal profile

  2. Click Home on the main menu

  3. Click the Program Type (Residential Programs, Day Programs, Group Services, or Parenting Programs) on the submenu

  4. Search for the program by typing the name in field "Type (Program) Name" and selecting it

  5. Click Search

  6. Click anywhere in the row to select the program

  7. Click Actions

  8. Select New Client Service Account from the drop-down menu

  9. Complete the form wizard

  10. Click Save and Yes to confirm

View, Edit, or Deactivate a Client Service Account

  1. Log in to DCI personal profile

  2. Click Home on the main menu

  3. Click Clients on the submenu

  4. Enter the client's name in the filter and click Search

  5. Click anywhere in the client row to open the Client Details page

  6. Click the Accounts tab

  7. Click anywhere in the client service account row to open the Account Details page

  8. Click Actions

  9. Select Edit Account from the drop-down menu

  10. View and make edits in the Edit Account form wizard

    1. Client service accounts should be deactivated when the client discontinues the service (i.e., the client is discharged)

    1. To deactivate the service account, change the status to Inactive.

  11. Click Save and Yes to confirm

View, Edit, or Deactivate a Client Service Account from the Cost Center, Residential, Day, Group Service, or Parenting Program Page

  1. Log in to DCI personal profile

  2. Click Home on the main menu

  3. Click the Program Type (Residential Programs, Day Programs, Group Services, or Parenting Programs) or Cost Center on the submenu

  4. Enter the cost center or program in the filter and click Search

  5. Click anywhere in the row to select the cost center or program

  6. Click the Accounts tab

  7. Click anywhere in the client service account row to open the Account Details page

  8. Click Actions

  9. Select Edit Account from the drop-down menu

  10. View and make edits in the Edit Service Account form wizard

    1. To deactivate the service account, change the status to Inactive.

      1. Client service accounts should be deactivated when the client discontinues the service (i.e., the client is discharged)

  11. Click Save and Yes to confirm