Versions Compared


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Common Terms and EVV

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Provider Overview

Mobile App Overview

Mobile App Clock out Verification

Landline Overview

Fob Overview

Historical Entries

Auditor Role in OR PTC DCI

Looking Up a User

Identifying Consumer/Provider Pairings

Finding the Provider’s UniID in the Provider Profile

Finding the Provider Number in the Provider’s Profile

Entries and Entry Status Breakdown

How to View Entries

Entry Statuses

Useful Features for Auditors in Provider Profiles

Additional Features in Provider Profile- Map/GPS

Additional Features in Provider Profile- Events Tab

Relevant Reports and How to Create Them

Authorization Entries Report

Punch Entry Details Report

Employee Service Account Punch Notes Report

PTC Support Resources and Contact Information


The content found in this document is intended for Staff with the Auditor Role using the OR PTC DCI system.

Common Terms and EVV

Common terms in OR PTC DCI are as follows:

  • Authorization – Contains data for how many hours and/or miles the provider has available to work in each pay period.
  • Consumer – A person who receives services from a provider. Sometimes referred to as a client, recipient, or service recipient. In OR PTC DCI, the Client profile type is used.
  • Consumer Employer Representative – A person selected by the consumer to help with Optional Signoff on the time a provider works. In OR PTC DCI, the Guardian profile type is used.
  • Cost Center – This is equivalent to the branch. There are two different versions of cost centers in OR PTC DCI, one ending in EU (external user) and one not. The cost center ending in “-EU” is where consumers are housed. This is also where entries are created by providers. The non-EU cost center is where staff profiles are housed.
  • Pay Period – A pay period for a provider is a two week (14 day) time period that begins on Sunday the first week and ends on Saturday the second week.
  • Permissions – Determines actions a user can take in addition to their role. The only permission staff may have in the system is the Authorization Admin Permission which allows them to edit authorizations.
  • Provider – A Homecare Worker or Personal Care Attendant who provides services to consumers based on their authorization. In OR PTC DCI, the Employee profile type is used.
  • Punch Entry (Time Entry) – An entry representing a time or mileage entry by a provider for services being performed for a consumer.
  • Roles - Determines primary actions a user can take for a specified cost center. Staff can only be assigned one role per cost center. Roles are given over the non-EU cost centers.
  • Service Account – Links the provider and the consumer in OR PTC DCI.
  • Service Code – Represents what type of service is being provided (ex. Hourly, Mileage).
  • Signoff – Term used to describe the optional process consumers use to verify punch entries created by their provider.

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

  • OR PTC DCI was implemented to comply with federal regulations in the 21st Century Cures Act called Electronic Visit Verification (EVV).
  • EVV requires states to capture the following data elements when Home Health Care Services are provided:
    • Type of service performed;
    • Consumer receiving care;
    • Provider who is providing care to consumer;
    • Date of the service provided;
    • Time the service begins and ends; and
    • Location services are provided.

Provider Overview

A Provider enters time into OR PTC DCI using one of three EVV-compliant methods:

  1. Mobile App (includes consumer verification)
  2. Landline
  3. Fob

*Aside from fob entries, a provider only uses the Web Portal when creating mileage entries or historical entries, or to edit an entry.

Mobile App Overview

  • Clocking-in: Providers can clock in from the home screen. The process has them indicate which Consumer they are providing services to. The mobile app records the location of the user at clock in.
  • Clocking-out: Providers clock out (again from the home screen) and record the tasks the completed (ex. Shopping, bathing, etc.) The mobile app records the location of the user at clock out.
  • Consumer Verification: The Consumer has the option to review and sign off on the punch entry submitted by the provider (more on next page) while clocking out.
  • Reviewing Hours: Providers can see previous punch entries as well as see how many hours they are authorized to work. Additionally, the app maintains a count of hours used on a per week basis.

Mobile App Clock out Verification

Verification options in the OR PTC DCI Mobile App for Consumers

Upon clock out, Providers will have three Consumer sign-off options to select from:

  1. PIN/Password - If the Consumer knows their own PIN or Password, they can enter that info into the app to sign-off on the entry.
  2. Signature - If a Consumer wants to sign off on a time entry, but doesn’t know their PIN or Password, e-signature allows them to provide a signature.
  3. Client Portal Sign-off – The Consumer or their Consumer Employer Rep can review time entries later via the web portal. This option is also selected when the Consumer does not want to sign-off on time entries.

Landline Overview

Real-time OR PTC DCI Landline is an EVV compliant way to clock-in and out at the beginning and end of the Provider’s shift.

  • The Consumer must have their landline phone number added to their profile in the system to use the OR PTC DCI Landline option.
  • Real-Time OR PTC DCI Landline EVV requires the Provider to call before the shift and call again after the shift.
  • This does not record the location because it is assumed this call is made from the Consumer’s home.

Fob Overview

The OR PTC DCI Fob is another method of EVV that can be used in the Consumer’s home.

  • The Fob is a small device that must be kept in the Consumer's home. 
  • Provider presses a button and must write down the 6-digit number on a provided time sheet.
  • Before the end of the pay period, Providers are responsible for recording time entries on web portal, using the 6-digit number to verify the time/location.

Historical Entries

  • If a Provider needs to record a time after service has been completed and they do not use a fob, they need to create a Historical Entry.
  • These entries are completed via the web portal and are not EVV compliant.
  • Historical entries can also be completed via the landline option and are not EVV compliant.

Auditor Role in OR PTC DCI

Your role in OR PTC DCI is an Auditor.  As an Auditor, you can:

  • View employees and employee details (Providers)
  • View clients and client details (Consumers)
  • View punch entries and punch details
  • Run reports
  • View events
  • Access help center materials

Looking Up a User

Start your search by clicking the relevant tab from the right-hand side of the screen.

Once you have clicked on the appropriate tab to find your User:

  1. Begin typing the name of the user you’re searching for.
  2. Click Search
  3. You will see your search result at the bottom. Click on the correct search result and it will take you to that User’s profile.

This will take you to the Details page for that user.

Identifying Consumer/Provider Pairings

You can find a Consumer’s Providers based on Service Accounts. From the Clients Details page, click on the Accounts tab (scroll down to the middle of the page to find).

In the Account Type column, you can select to show results by Client Funding or Employee Service. To determine the Provider, see Employee Service.

Finding the Provier’s UniID in the Provider Profile

Finding the Provider Number in the Provider’s Profile

  1. Go to the Employee Details page.
  2. Once there, scroll down to Custom Fields and click on that tab.
  3. You will find the HCW Provider number listed there.

Entries and Entry Status Breakdown

How to View Entries

  1. Click on the tab labeled Entries.
  2. Sort entries by Service Date by clicking the column header. This will make finding specific entries easier.

Entry Statuses

Useful Features for Auditors in Provider Profiles

Additional Features in Provider Profile- Map/GPS

  • Select the punch entry from the Entries tab you’d like to investigate.
  • After clicking on the entry of your choice, you will be taken to the Punch Details page.
  • Below the Punch Details you will find additional details such as the Client Details, Employee Details, EVV Details and Reason Codes.
  • After scrolling down past the Punch Entry Details, you can scroll down towards the bottom of the page and select the Map tab.
  • Once you click on Map, you will see the start and end locations listed on the right. If it is the same location, you will only have one location showing on the map.
  • If there are two locations and you only see one on the map, you can click the plus sign to zoom in on the map so that you can see the start and finish locations.

Additional Features in Provider Profile- Events Tab

The Events tab displays a log of all activity with the displayed time entry or user profile.

Relevant Reports and How to Create Them

Some common reports you might pull to work from include:



Authorization Entries Report

Displays the information relevant to the authorization, such as start and end date, hours used, and hours remaining.

Punch Entry Details Report

Displays important details about the provider, Consumer, Punch Entry Status, EVV Method, the punch ID, Service Code, who created the entry, the date the entry was created, the IP address where it was created, who approved or rejected the entry, etc. You can also view the input method and the entry type.

Employee Service Account Punch Notes Report

Displays notes and canned statements entered by the Provider which may explain activities that occurred during a shift.

Authorization Entries Report


  1. Client Name: Enter the name of the Consumer you’re searching for.
  2. Include Ended Authorizations: Make sure this box is checked to display authorizations that are not current.




Punch Entry Details Report

  1. From the Reports Tab, select COA Reports.
  2. Select Punch Entry Details Report.
  3. Refine your search with the following fields before clicking Search:
    1. Client Name: Enter the name of the Consumer you’re searching for.
  4. Click Download so you can view the report in Excel.
  5. Click the double-arrow to the right to select all columns then click Next.
  6. For Format, select Excel and then click Download.

Employee Service Account Punch Notes Report

  1. From the Reports Tab, select Notes Report (bottom-left on screen).
  2. Select Employee Service Account Punch Notes Report.
  3. Refine your search with the following fields before clicking Search:
    1. Date Fields: Select the date range you’re researching.
    2. Employee Name: Enter the name of the Provider you’re searching for.
    3. Client Name: Enter the name of the Consumer you’re searching for.
  4. Click Download so you can view the report in Excel.
  5. Click the double-arrow to the right to select all columns then click Next.
  6. For Format, select Excel and then click Download.

PTC Support Resources and Contact Information

If you are stuck and need help with doing something in the OR PTC DCI solution, we have support for you!

PTC Support Email:

Resources can be found on the OR PTC DCI Help Center. You can find a list of resources in the Learning Catalogs on the PTC Website under Learning Materials.

The resources available consist of:


nameAuditor Guide Word Document v2.2.pdf


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