Description: In this topic, the user will learn how to create a guardian profile and link it to a client, or view, edit, or deactivate the guardian profile. Guardian profiles allow a user to be linked to multiple clients to perform client sign-off and view client schedules.

Role Required: Super User

Permission Required: Client Admin

Required Entities Before Creation:

  • Cost Center
  • Funding Source
  • Client Profile

Create Guardian Profile

  1. Log into DCI
  2. Click Home on the main menu
  3. Click Guardians on the submenu
  4. Click Actions
  5. Select Add New Guardian. Complete the form wizard.
    1. Basic Demographics tab:
      1. First Name (required)
      2. Last Name (required)
      3. Address (required)
      4. Time Zone (optional): Select from drop-down
      5. Phone (required)
      6. Alternate Phone (optional)
      7. Mobile Number (optional): Allows the guardian to receive text notifications after the mobile number has been verified
      8. Email (required): Must be unique from the client(s) email address
      9. Cost Center (required)
      10. **Profile Reference (optional)
      11. Click Next
    2. Authentication Information tab:
      1. Username (required)
      2. Password (required)
      3. Confirm Password (required)
      4. Pin (required)
      5. Status (required): Defaults to active. Select disabled if the guardian is no longer active. Select locked to temporarily prevent the guardian from logging in.
      6. Click Next
      7. Review Summary tab
      8. Click Save to continue and Yes to confirm

Link a Guardian Profile to a Client Profile

Guardians can be linked to clients when the new client profile is created, in the form wizard on the Client Information tab.

  1. Log in to DCI
  2. Select the Home tab on the main menu
  3. Click Clients on the submenu
  4. Enter the client's name in the filter and click Search
  5. Click anywhere in the client row to open the Client Details page
  6. Click Actions 
  7. Select Edit Client from the drop-down menu
  8. In the form wizard, select the Client Information tab.
  9. Begin typing the guardian’s name in the Guardian field and select the guardian's name when it appears
  10. Click Save and Yes to confirm

View, Edit, or Deactivate Guardian Profile

  1. Log in to DCI
  2. Click Home on the main menu
  3. Click Guardians on the submenu
  4. Enter the guardian's name in the filter and click Search
  5. Click anywhere in the guardian row to open the Guardian Details page
  6. Click Actions 
  7. Select Edit Guardian from the drop-down menu
  8. View and make edits in the Edit Guardian form wizard
    1. To deactivate the guardian profile, change the status to Inactive on the basic demographics tab.
  9. Click Save and Yes to confirm