October 2023 DCI Web Portal & Mobile App Release
The DCI maintenance release for the web portal will occur on the morning of Wednesday, October 11, 2023, and will require the DCI web portal to be unavailable for all users from 1:30 AM to 3:30 AM EST.
The DCI maintenance release requires a mobile app update. The new mobile app version will be available as early as Wednesday, October 11, 2023. All users will be forced to update their mobile app as early as Thursday, October 12, 2023.
Client Total Hours Widget Enhancement
*Now available for Guardian profiles in the mobile app.*
The widget allows the user to view and verify the total amount of service hours a client has received from each employee by day in the pay week including the total hours for the pay week.
This widget displays in both the web portal and mobile app for the following profiles:
Super User, Supervisor, Employer, Client, Guardian
Case Workers Profile Enhancement
The optional field, Mobile Number has been added to the case worker profile.
The Mobile Number field is now included in all profiles
Case workers now have the ability to verify their mobile in the authentication user settings
Verify mobile in the authentication user settings is avaliable for all profiles
Authorizations Remaining Balances to Optionally Display as Time in the Mobile App
*This feature will be available on Thursday, October 5, 2023 in the web portal and the mobile app.
Do your Employees (Providers) need to know how much time is left on the authorization? Would displaying authorization limits by total, monthly, weekly, and/or daily amount allow the Employee (Provider) to plan their shifts appropriately and not exceed the authorized limits? The new setting, Remaining Balance Details, has options that allow authorizations to be displayed in time by total, monthly, weekly, and/or daily balances in the mobile app.
The setting listed on the service code was Hide Remaining Balance
No = Authorization Remaining Balance appears when employees create a punch
The only option available was to display the total authorization remaining balance in billing units for the employee (provider)
Hourly service codes have the option to display total, monthly, weekly, and/or daily authorization remaining balances to employees (providers) in time when clocking in on the mobile app
Hourly billing units display as hours and minutes
Daily billing units display as days
Monthly billing units display as months
The Remaining Balance Details settings below are updated on the service code:
The account type hourly (funding types of units and dollars) may optionally use any of the four Remaining Balance Details settings listed below
Show Remaining Balance - If yes, when an employee creates a punch, the remaining authorization balance displays in units or dollars in the web portal, and displays total available time in the mobile app.
Show Monthly Balance - If yes, the remaining monthly balance displays as time when employees create a punch in the mobile app.
Show Weekly Balance - If yes, the remaining weekly balance displays as time when employees create a punch in the mobile app.
Show Daily Balance - If yes, the remaining daily balance displays as time when employees create a punch in the mobile app.
*Please note: For dollars-based service codes, the remaining balances are estimates as they can be impacted by several factors such as overtime, changes in employee pay rates, or having multiple employees with different pay rates working for the same client.
The account type client transportation can only use the show remaining balance setting
Import Enhancement - Service Codes - Added four new columns: ShowRemainingBalance, ShowMonthlyBalance, ShowWeeklyBalance, ShowDailyBalance
Import>Settings>Service Codes
Report Enhancement -
Service Codes Report - Added four new columns: Show Remaining Balance, Show Monthly Balance, Show Weekly Balance, Show Daily Balance
Reports>Settings Reports>Service Codes Report
Database Schema Updates:
No updates for this release.
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