Mobile App

  • Mileage is calculated for mileage-based punches (client transportation and drive) created via the mobile app

    • The Drive button in the mobile app is associated with the account type called Mileage in the web portal and mobile web

  • DCI uses the addresses from the start and end locations in conjunction with Google Maps to find the quickest route between the two points

    • When creating punches via the mobile app, the map will show two pins:

      • Green Pin = Start Location

      • Red Pin = End Location

  • This creates a route that records the miles as the Estimated Miles and the Actual Amount for the punch.

  • The Estimated Miles and Actual Amount listed on the punch may be different from the user's odometer reading if the quickest route was not the path driven

  • When entering punches for Client Transportation and Drive, use point-to-point trips. Do not enter round-trip punches because the system will calculate the punch as zero miles since the start and end addresses are the same.

  • Optionally verify the mileage by entering the start and end address into Google Maps and selecting the quickest route

  • The quickest route may not always be the shortest route (least amount of miles), as Google Maps takes traffic, construction, accidents, etc. into account.

Web Portal or Mobile Web

  • When entering a mileage-based punch (client transportation or mileage) via the web portal or mobile web, enter the starting and ending odometer readings into the Add New Entry form wizard.

  • DCI calculates the difference between the starting and ending odometer readings to calculate the mileage amount