Description: In this topic, the user will learn how to manage shift swapping. Employees can offer published shifts if they are unable to work the scheduled shift. Another employee with an active service account for the same program/client can claim the shift. Shift swaps must be approved by the supervisor before they are complete.

Role Required: Super User, Supervisor

Permission Required: N/A

View Shift Swap Requests

  1. Log in to personal profile
  2. Click Scheduling on the main menu
  3. Click Pending Approvals on the submenu
  4. The table will list all shift swap requests for the cost centers for which the user has the supervisor role. Action cannot be taken until an offered shift has been claimed by another employee.
  5. Review the details of the shift swap including:
    1. Client/Program
    2. Service
    3. Employee offering the shift
    4. Employee claiming the shift
      1. The number of hours already worked, the scheduled hours, and the total available weekly hours will be listed under the employee.
    5. Shift Date
    6. Shift Time
  6. Click A to approve the shift swap or the red R to reject the shift swap
  7. The entry will change from a yellow offered entry to a blue published entry on the schedule. Both employees will be notified of the review.

Additional Notes:

  • If no one claims an offered shift, it will revert back to the original employee’s schedule.
  • The schedule is automatically updated and re-published when a shift swap occurs. Supervisors do not need to revise the schedule based on the shift swap.

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