Description: In this topic, the guardian will learn how to use the DCI web portal and mobile app to sign off on time entries. If a punch is entered after the shift rather than using real-time clock in and out via mobile app, or if the employee selected Portal Sign-Off as an EVV method on the mobile app, the entry must be reviewed and signed off on by the client or guardian

Role Required: Guardian

Permission Required: N/A

Portal Sign Off

  1. Log in to the DCI web portal 

  2. Click Clients on the submenu 

  3. Click anywhere on the client row to open the client details page

  4. Click the Entries tab

  5. Entries that require signoff have a checkbox

  6. To approve or reject a single entry, select the checkbox in the entry row.

    1. Click the green Sign Off button to signoff or the red Reject button to reject 

    2. Click Yes to confirm

  7. To approve or reject multiple entries at once, select the checkboxes for all applicable entries.

    1. Click the green Sign Off button to signoff or the red Reject button to reject 

    2. Click Yes to confirm

  8. To approve or reject all entries, select the checkbox on the header row. This will select all entries requiring signoff.

    1. Click the green Sign Off button to signoff or the red Reject button to reject 

    2. Click Yes to confirm

 To review the details of an entry, click the blue Entry ID number hyperlink in the punch row. 

Mobile App Sign Off

  1. Log in to the DCI mobile app

  2. Click the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the upper-left corner

  3. Select Clients from the menu

  4. All clients associated with the guardian will populate. Click the client name to select.

  5. From the client details page, select Entries Requiring Sign Off.

  6. Hold down on the entry until a blue check mark appears

  7. Click Action in the upper-right corner

  8. Select Sign Off or Reject to manage the entry

  9. Optionally, click Select All, then Action to manage all entries at once.

To review the details of an entry, click on the entry to open it.