Description: In this topic, the user will learn how to manage entries in the DCI mobile app as an employee. Generally, the time entry will be approved automatically and there is no need for further action. However, in some cases such as when a supervisor or employer edits the employee's time, an unverified entry is created. In this case, the employee must verify the time in order to get paid for the shift.
Role Required: Employee (base user)
Permission Required: N/A
Managing Entries
Unverified hours will display in the employee's total hours gauge on the dashboard
Click the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the upper left-hand corner of the app
Select Entries
All entries will be displayed, in the following statuses:
Approved: Entry that can be paid
Pending: Entry that has not been processed to be paid yet
Rejected: Entry that is incorrect and is unable to be paid
OR PTC DCI allows the employee to reenter time to correct the entry so that it can be paid
Unverified: Occurs when a supervisor or employer edits an entry on behalf of an employee
The employee must verify the unverified entries to be paid
Unvalidated: Entry that needs to be checked by the system to ensure compliance with business rules
Processed: Entry that has been processed for payment
Locate entries in Unverified status
Click the entry ID (blue hyperlink) to open the punch details
Click Reference Entries to view details if there is an associated reference entry
Click Notes to add notes to the punch entry then click Save
Click Attachments to view attachments
From the punch details, click Action in the upper right-hand corner of the app. Available actions include:
Verify: To approve the entry
Reject: To reject the entry
Rejecting an entry typically happens if it was made in error so that it will not be processed
Please note: Edits cannot be made in the mobile app; only in the web portal.
Add attachment: The camera will open and a photo can be attached
Click Confirm to verify the entry
After an entry has been verified, within a few minutes the punch will appear in Pending status. This means the punch has been confirmed by the employee and is available to be verified in the approval process by the client, employer, or supervisor. Once approved, the status will change to Approved and the entry will be processed for payment.
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