
Guide Name


Client Portal Sign Off Consumer Guide

Shows the steps of time entry sign off for Consumers

OR PTC DCI Consumer Employer Representative Guide

Information on what EVV and OR PTC DCI are and how to use the features of each method of access for Consumer Employer Representatives.

OR PTC DCI Consumer Guide

Information on what EVV and OR PTC DCI are and how to use the features of each method of access for Consumers.

User Settings GuideHow to update things such as password, PIN, security questions, email, phone number and username.

Quick Reference Guides (QRGs)

Quick Reference Guide Name


How to Create Google Email Account

Covers how to set up a free email account with Gmail.

How to update Android Apps

Shows instructions for updating applications on an Android smart device.

How to Update Apple Apps

Shows instructions for updating applications on an Apple smart device.

Options Tech Comfort Level

Shows the available time capture options based on the user’s comfort level with technology.

OR PTC DCI Adding and Changing a PIN

Covers how to update an existing PIN number or add one if one has not been established.

OR PTC DCI Landline Tip Sheet

How to create a real-time punch as well as the available OR PTC DCI Landline numbers to call.

Provider and Consumer Resource GuideProvides an overview of available resources for support for Providers and Consumers.

Which OR PTC DCI Option is right for me?

Guide of different time capture options available.

Online Learning

Computer-based Training Name


Consumer Employer Representative - Navigating the Web Portal

A walk through of the OR PTC DCI Web Portal specifically for Consumer Employer Representatives.

Consumer - Navigating the Web Portal

A walk through of the OR PTC DCI Web Portal specifically for Consumers.

Recovering a Forgotten Password

Interactive walk through how to change a password when it has been forgotten.

Logging In and Changing your User Settings

Interactive walk through of changing a user’s personal settings.



Video Name


Consumer Employer Representative – OR PTC DCI Mobile App

A walk through of the OR PTC DCI Mobile App specifically for Consumer Employer Representatives.

Consumer Employer Representative – OR PTC DCI Web Portal

A walk through of the OR PTC DCI Web Portal specifically for Consumer Employer Representatives.

Consumer – OR PTC DCI Mobile App

A walk through of the OR PTC DCI Mobile App specifically for Consumers.

Consumer – OR PTC DCI Web Portal

A walk through of the OR PTC DCI Web Portal specifically for Consumers.